Summer beach books

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by dragon_bunny, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. dragon_bunny

    dragon_bunny Valued Member

    this may have been done to death already so sorry if it has :)

    i plan to spend my 2 week holiday in the sun lounging around the pool under a big shade umbrella, with a few good books
    yes i know it's weird to go to a pool and not swim - i have deep phobias about water.. and not sitting in the sun - vampires burn less than i do in the sun ;) i blame my celtic blood but hey i like the warmth

    so the question is what books do you think would be good to take with me
    i'm reading the anita blake vampire hunter books at the mo and i like a little fantasy and alot of crime books.. mainly things lwiht serial killers and things like that in ;even thou a woman in the book shop picked up the same book as me tutted and asked her friends who would be sick enough to read about those kind of things hehe :D

    so suggestions please :)
  2. StorDuff

    StorDuff adamantium

    Crichton's Rising Sun is a good crime/detective novel, and is farily short too so you may be able to finish it [​IMG]
  3. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    The Meredith Gentry series by Anita Blake are quite good as well, or there's Janet Evanovich's books, which always struck me as somehow similar to Hamilton's, I'm just not quite sure how.
  4. Shann

    Shann New Member

    If you like the serial killer type books, check out John Connolly. I can't think of the titles right now, but they are really good (and pretty gruesome).

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