Stretching off After Training, not doing it detrimental?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Anomandaris, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Anomandaris

    Anomandaris New Member

    Some of you should know the feeling. Its a lazy Saturday, you've got nothing better to do but lie around all day and the previous night you trained your ass off. But you didnt stretch off after(!) and now your muslces are bunched and tight and in need of a good stretching...It feels so good!!

    That feeling when your muscles sort of stiffen up after excercise, and then stretching them when you wake up, I really like it.

    but I want to know if not stretching off after an excercise session can cause detriment to your training, muscular development or ability, because currently I usually dont stretch off after my Friday session simply to get that feeling(I stretch off after every other session during the week as its not Saturday the day after).

    so is it ok to not stetch off after?
  2. ninjamonkey

    ninjamonkey New Member

    It's a good idea to stretch afterwards, but not so much that you're stretching for flexibility gains, just enough for maintenance. The reason for this is that when you're using your muscles (usually in a short ROM) in a MA or any other sport, you're usually using those muscles in a limited ROM (not full Range Of Movement), doing so after a while causes the muscles to 'bunch up' and become a bit less elastic. So a good time to stretch this out is just after the session. However, if you don't have a chance to then, I think you'll be fine if you keep up with a good stretching routine, it's just post exercise is a good time to stretch.

    Hope that helps.
  3. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    I heard that stretching with DOMS tears muscle fibres because they are weekend is this true?
  4. Grippereeno

    Grippereeno New Member

    DOMS is a result of damaged and in most cases torn muscle fibres so depending on the degree of exercise that has caused the DOMS and severity of the stretching it could well damage fibres further....
  5. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

  6. Anomandaris

    Anomandaris New Member

    so essentially while it is better to do it, as long as you keep up decent stretches during other excersise and after it shouldn't matter if its only occasional?
  7. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    Did I say that?

    No, you should always do a stretch as part of your cool down following your workouts.

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