"Spotter catchers" for squats...?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by jabcrosshook, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. Hello :D

    Just looking at these from another post here a little while ago. Now if I purchase these, I will be using them for squatting. The only place I can squat at the moment is the college gym, but I have limited access and it obviously isn't there for me in the holidays :( My gym doesn't have any facilities to do squats (no "your gym sucks" please :)), so I need to do them at home.

    •Would something like the equipment in the above link be appropriate? I know it's more for bench but we don't have much room :(

    •Does it look like it wil hold much weight? I'm mainly going to be doing 5x5 or similar so i don't really want the things to collapse.

    •Has anyone else got any (relatively cheap) alternatives that don't take up much space?

    I just think they look a bit flimsy - as if anything over 45kg would cause them to collapse!!! Just wanted a second opinion.

    Thanks - I love you :D:D:D
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2006
  2. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    Looks like it could hold at 300kg easy as long as its solid steel. Try to get something like those but taller. Unless you want to start from the bottom position.
  3. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    They look like they'll hold up okay. The other alternative is saw horses in the backyard.
  4. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Capacity is 150kg. I've looked into this area quite extensively because I don't have the room for a full rack unfortunately. It's good if you think you aren't going to be squatting 150kg any time soon, but if you think it won't take you that long then I wouldn't bother. There are some reasonable half racks available but they are a bit more expensive. There are also some good, higher capacity spot catchers but they still don't have the safety back-up of a proper power rack so you have to have a very capable spotter. Powerline do a great squat rack that has a much higher capacity.

  5. Vita

    Vita Valued Member

    i use saw horses for this purpose in my garage.

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