Shin hardening

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by matt_991, May 19, 2004.

  1. raizen

    raizen Valued Member

    Most of this stuff seems to be rumors or myths. Bone tumors? come one.

    If you have ever used a heavy bag you know the bottom of it is very hard. Kick that with your shins to start with. Then i would suggest kicking something hard such as wood but it needs to have a little give so you dont take the entire impact. You want to cause those large knots on your shins. I came from a karate school that had thai boxing mixed in. Im now at a tkd school and the students their that are shorter than me and cant kick me in the head or above the solar are at a huge disadvantage because i can block their kicks with my shins and it hurts them. Then they fear they will hurt them selves and hesitate when trying to kick me.

    All of this you hear about arthritis and so on is not proven. Some get it some dont you cant say its caused from conditioning because many ppl who have it havent even heard of conditioning.

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