Serious tournament training

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by TKD, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. TKD

    TKD New Member

    I'm training for tournament season very seriously right now. I was wondering what you guys think is the better training method? Train very hard and seriously, or, train lightly and make sure not to burn myself out. Any input on what you do to train is also welcome.
  2. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Some days train hard, some days train lightly, but have a good mental attitude. Fights are won and lost mentally before you throw a punch in my opinion. If you feel you're training too hard, ease off for a day or two, and don't forget to have a day or two of rest every so often.
  3. Helm

    Helm New Member

    Hard dude. Especially for tournaments you want to train on fitness. So you can just keep going.

    For stretching you want to keep it light, as at this point you shouldnt be aiming to increase flexibilty for the tournament, or in time for the tournament, as there wont be enough time and you run serious risk of having to sit it out through injury.

    You want to be training hard and fast in tournament techniques, getting focused when your training. Obviously if you're feeling drained you should ease off, but at this point hard training, all up until a day or so before the tournament is the way to go.

    The day before is very important for mental preparation imo, i normally go for a short run (normally to stay under the 57kg for my weight group) stretch out a bit, have a long hot soak and stretch out a lil more. Then a big-ass bowl of pasta :D
  4. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Aside from the fitness and technique aspects of training.

    The best feeling in the world is absence of self doubt.

    Knowing that you couldn't have used your time any more productively is wonderful, as all you have to do is focus on defeating your opponent.

    Train hard, put the time in, take breaks to reflect on your training, and spend time on visualisation before each event.

    See it, then do it.
  5. djhallib

    djhallib Guest

    If your serious about training for a tournament, train hard. Also read the article you've probably seen in the health and fitness forum about gymnastics special strength training, the same principles mostly apply to martial arts, especially about the part about the strength deficit, since a lower deficit will give you increased speed. Speed is gained through strength, so strength training is very important.

    If you need any advice on how you should train, just ask. There are so many experienced people here that together we can compose a killer plan. :)
  6. flyingblackbelt

    flyingblackbelt New Member

    personally i put an emphasis on my cardiovascular training and a little less on my strength training but thats just me. The most important thing is to be consisitent get into a routine and stick with it.
  7. Hwoarang

    Hwoarang New Member

    The theme may not be right but I have a question.

    English is not my mother language and so there area few words about the theme of the martial arts that I don't is in practise the ISOMETRIC training?(a few drills and the explanation of it)

    TNX a lot!
  8. TKD

    TKD New Member

  9. Hwoarang

    Hwoarang New Member

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