Safety issue???

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by Highlander124, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Highlander124

    Highlander124 New Member

    Ok, so my daughter is a month old now and I have finally got to get back to doing some Qigong. However, I am concerned about taining next to her crib.

    The crib is in the area I generally train in. For the most part, I get training at night while she sleeps. I work nights, and my wife needs some rest, so I take baby duty most of the night.

    I have gotten back to about 30 min sitting and 30 min moving a day, generally at night, except the days I work, in which case its when I get up.

    Anyway, I started wondering if it will have any affect on her if I train this close to her, or hold her within a certain time after. Anyone know? I found someone locally that trains so I will get a teacher again in 2 weeks, but until then I have to take what I can get at home.
  2. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Are you worried about some Chi spilling into her crib?! :D

    Seriously... aside from waking her up when she's sleeping I doubt there are any risks involved. Even if you picked her up right after you train I doubt there would be anything that could cause her harm.

    If you were training with a mace, flail or broadsword next to her crib... then I would have to say that there are some risks. :D
  3. Highlander124

    Highlander124 New Member

    I guess that means I need to stop juggling shotguns around her............

    I must say one distinct advantage of training is that it makes it a lot easier to deal with the complete and utter lack of sleep......
  4. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Moved on

    Surely this is a joke post right? Either that or its time to turn the reality engine back on.

    The Bear.
  5. Dan Bian

    Dan Bian Neither Dan, nor Brian

    No risk, what so ever.
  6. Taoquan

    Taoquan Valued Member

    Not to sound rude, but your worry about such things will probably be the biggest issue here. Relax and practice, just no swords or shotguns :D
  7. pauli

    pauli mr guillotine

    ease up, guys. he's a new parent, and thus no longer able to think rationally. fortunately, that's what the internet is for ;)
  8. SnorriSturluson

    SnorriSturluson Valued Member

    Not sure this really goes away. My wife has an old parent who also can't think rationally.
  9. Ular Sawa

    Ular Sawa Valued Member

    And from Arkansas or Texas so the juggling shotguns thing might not have been a joke....
  10. liokault

    liokault Banned Banned

    there is a large risk of her never respecting you and groing in to a man hater, scarred by the though that her farther was so naive.
  11. cheesypeas

    cheesypeas Moved on

    If you seriously study Qigong, you will know that as an adult you are cultivating post natal Qi.

    Babies are born full of pre natal Qi. I would check with your teacher that there is no danger of you appropriating your newborns Qi.
  12. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Good God... please tell me you don't actually beleive that!!! :eek:
  13. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    No, neither you nor your child is at risk. Congrats on your daughter though.
  14. nready

    nready Verifying DMI pool....

    That took allot of guts to put up that you care about your daughter. Congratulation, on your daughter.

    Nice to see you back.
  15. unfetteredmind

    unfetteredmind Valued Member

    That's a loving dad. Congratulations!!! :)
  16. unfetteredmind

    unfetteredmind Valued Member

    Cruel and heartless. Shame on you.
  17. Fire-quan

    Fire-quan Banned Banned

    Ah, well... "shame" is a great enemy. Not in the sense that it stops us just doing whatever we want - we always just do whatever we want... Liokault is doing whatever he wants... What you have to see is that the shame was already on him - that's why he puts others down now. All you have to ask, is shame about what? Everything is hidden in full view.
  18. Fire-quan

    Fire-quan Banned Banned

    The answer is really no, in my view, but as always, trust yourself.
  19. Taoquan

    Taoquan Valued Member

    Don't you ever get tired of over analyzing?
  20. unfetteredmind

    unfetteredmind Valued Member

    Of course he doesn't, he LOVES it. And for what it's worth I really enjoy FQs posts on MAP. People get worked up by them a lot of the time but I agree with him that it is not him that causes that. There is great wisdom in what he says and I for one am learning.

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