recent seminar

Discussion in 'MMA' started by faster than you, Jun 12, 2005.

  1. faster than you

    faster than you Valued Member

    i just came back from a great and cheap (only $50 US) seminar with rory singer. he stressed the importance of basics in passing the guard (ground basics in general), the necessity of proper footwork, i.e. not going strsight back. he also focused on the basics of punching and went over some clinch material, which included a great way to beat the whizzer. he was adamant about not forcing the clinch as forcing is a good way to that you will be knocked out. the clinch must happen organically.
    he had a common sense approach to self-defense, which can be summed up as: don't get sloshed. he asked how many people had been in fights, and each person who had been in a fight said alcohol had played role.
    he has a very jovial and relaxed manner, which is completely sans ego and meism. i would recommend him to anyone who might desire to improve his mma game, unless of course you are fedor, w. silva, crocop, etc.
    everyone had a good time and noone was hurt. the great thing about seminars is that you get to spar against people from different schools.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2005
  2. Yukimushu

    Yukimushu MMA addict

    I've seen one or two instructionals of the Singer Brothers, and i've been quite impressed. He certainly seems to know his stuff!

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