Question from a Newbie

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Ansatsu, Jun 18, 2003.

  1. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    Hey, all. I've been interested in learning Ninjutsu for quite a while now. Technically, it started when I was 8 'cause of the Ninja Turtles :) After reading up on the subject, I feel it'd be a great experience for me.
    Anyway, I'm in a bind because I live in a small town in SE Kansas, and there's naturally no place around here to train at. I don't have the time nor the income to do a lot of traveling, so I'm sure you can see my problem. Any help would be appreciated.

    BTW, my name is from the Yu-gi-oh! card Ansatsu (at least it's on the Game Boy Color) for the legendary warrior/assassin.
  2. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

    hey ansatsu whats up its me shadow fox
  3. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    Hey there, but if this name has been used before, I don't know. I only signed up last night, so whether or not you use a different name, I wouldn't have a clue :)
  4. SilentNightfall

    SilentNightfall Eien no Ninja

    You wouldn't happen to be the same Ansatsu from the Art of the Ninja forum, would you? If so, that is where Cougar a.k.a Shadow Fox knows you from. As far as your current situation, have you talked to anyone who may be willing to drive you about an hour or so's distance to get to a place in which you can train. Perhaps you can e-mail some various instructors from around Kansas and see if they know of any unadvertised training groups near you that you may have never known existed. Just a few thoughts.
  5. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    No, sorry. I didn't know that this name was already in use, or else I'd have used another one. I just like that Yu-Gi-Oh! card and its description, so I thought I'd use the name. And also, I'll have to go a on a little hunt. Because strange as it may sound, I don't have any transportation (myself or volunteer) that could go out of town.
  6. SilentNightfall

    SilentNightfall Eien no Ninja

    No worries. The name is in use, but on another forum so there won't be any mixup. And your situation honestly isn't very unusual. I know quite a lot of people with transportation issues. Just hope you can find a solution to your problem. Undoubtedly one will present itself in due time.
  7. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    Thanks. I do appreciate the support :)

    Unfortunately the town I'm in is so small we don't even have a Dillons, not to mention K-Mart lol. We've got a basic Wal-Mart (which is, as far as I know, the only actual department store we have), and I believe 1, maybe 2, martial arts studio(s), excluding the Tae Kwon Do lessons (I'm not sure what that entails, exactly) at the Rec Center, but that's just what I'm interested in.
  8. creaturegrl

    creaturegrl New Member

    I study To-shin do which is a form of Ninjustsu. It was started by Steven K Hayes who was the first american to go to japan and master ninjustu. He has schools all over the country. Heres the site for it and if you click on "study at our schools" then you can check if there is one in your area!
  9. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    Thanks, I'll check it out. I also noticed that I made an error.. I meant to say "...that's just not what I'm interested in." Anyway, I'll definately check out that link when I finish posting this message. Thanks again.
  10. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

    ansatsu you a member of the artofninja right?
  11. SilentNightfall

    SilentNightfall Eien no Ninja

    Cougar, I believe Ansatsu already answered your question in one of the posts above. He is not the same man we know from over at Art of the Ninja. He merely got the name "Ansatsu" off of a card.
  12. Peaceful_John

    Peaceful_John New Member

    Why do you want to study ninjitsu? I mean, what do you want to get from it?
  13. SilentNightfall

    SilentNightfall Eien no Ninja

    Quite a few reasons why I study ninjutsu. First of all, the obvious reasons are that I wish to be able to protect myself, my loved ones, and those who cannot defend themselves, from harm. I wish the warrior creed to hold true to me in that everyone is a bit safer when I am around. I want to also get to a point where I can avoid conflict easily and rarely, if ever, have to use what I know againt someone. I also study ninjutsu to gain balance and enlightenment in my life. I want the philosophy of ninjutsu to reflect not only in the way that I fight, but also in the way that I live. I'd like to think that the longer I train, the more in tune and harmonized I will be with the rest of the world. These are but a few reasons, but they are the bulk of my purpose for my training in the art.
  14. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    Well, I'm just the same way. However, there are a few extra benefits that I'm looking for, which can probably apply to any martial art, but still... Anyway, because I've had asthma all my life, I have not been able to get much exercise, and thus I have extremely low endurance and stamina. I am hoping also for a good way to overcome this, and I believe that accomplishing it as well as learning to make my house and neighborhood a safer place at the same time is mentally satisifying.
    The reason I would like to study Ninjutsu rather than karate or tae kwon do is because of the past. My mother worked as a cashier at a food store, and the place was robbed twice (not in the same day). Likewise, my oldest sister was working cashier, and she was robbed too. Now, my sister had taken tae kwon do, but she found that it was completely useless when she needed it the most, and I believe that by learning ninjutsu I will be able to succeed where another art has been known to fail (if, god forbid, the need should arise). Another reason I prefer not to learn arts like these is because I'm not looking for recognition, so I don't need another way to get into sports, if you know what I mean.

    There may or may not be fault in how I see things, but they're the way I see it, and none is based on 'conceit', so to speak.
  15. SilentNightfall

    SilentNightfall Eien no Ninja

    You aren't the only one who has heard stories of Tae Kwon Do and Karate failing their practitioners. I have heard countless stories of women who took said arts getting mugged from behind and not knowing what to do, as well as practitioners who didn't know how to deal with chokes. I, myself, took Tae Kwon Do for a few years before deciding it could not offer me what I was looking for.

    I would also like to add on to my list of reasons for training in the art by saying that I also hope to gain clear perspectives on any given situation so that I may act accordingly. I wish to be able to know what response is appropriate for any situation that may arise in my future so that I do not use excessive force, or use force when such is unnecessary. I believe this goes along with being in balance with everything around us. Just a thought.
  16. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

  17. Ansatsu

    Ansatsu New Member

    I know what you guys mean. If you're going to learn the most important lessons to society, why go to someplace that will teach it at least somewhat inefficiently?

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