Quality Sai

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by GP100, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. GP100

    GP100 New Member

    I have a pair of $19 sai. As I practice with them and want to get a nicer pair (an actual nicer pair, not just a marked up price!) ... where would be a good place to buy them from? Online in particular.

  2. ScottUK

    ScottUK More human than human...

    First port of call, ask your sensei. Online stuff can be a bit, well, commercial.
  3. Kuniku

    Kuniku The Hairy Jujutsuka

    while on the topic of quality sai...

    what makes one pair of sai better than any others? As ScottUK said most of the ones I see on online shops are largely the same kinda price and look the same (other than colour ofc)
  4. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

    They tend to be weighted and balanced properly , I also seem to remember the top notch ones being custom lengths.
  5. Kuniku

    Kuniku The Hairy Jujutsuka

    thanks for that! do you know where the balance point supposed to be on Sai?
  6. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

    It's been a few years , but I seem to remember it's around the point of the cross.

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