Qi and science (please no trolling)

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by gerard, May 6, 2004.

  1. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Thank you. It's good to find a sensitive intellect.
  2. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Few Daoists against a majority of Martial Artists. I use reason and thought to argue others use Qi :D

    Anyway what is the aim of having a public forum if everyone agrees???????
  3. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Thanks Kat, I'll check it out.
  4. HK Pedestrian

    HK Pedestrian New Member

    Oh, I know you well enough...

    You feel qualified to pass an inept judgment on others, even to the point of claiming to know who is enlightened and who is not, and yet react with shrill hostility when you are questioned. This tells me that you are a hack "instant expert" Mantak Chia wannabe with bad manners and a cult leader complex.

    You won't tell us who your teachers are because you haven't any worth speaking of. Your philosophy, your creed, is built out of YOUR prodigious, unjustified ego, and therefore will expire with you. The surest sign of a self graduator is that their mean-spirited hippie twaddle doesn't last, they leave no legacy.

    Can't you just feel the love? :love:

    I'm not trying to flame you, I'm telling you a truth you vitally need to hear out of a concern for your personal development, my friend. I get students like you all the time, "full cups," and they either change or get nowhere. Sure, I'm arrogant about what I've learned (none of which I've made up), as you are about what you feel you know (or have made up), but at least I know something worth being arrogant about. At the risk of repeating myself, I am senior instructor with one of the oldest, most respected T'ai Chi schools in the world (www.wustyle.com), you are just "Gerard." That says it all for me.

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2004
  5. dashao

    dashao New Member

    this is what this forum needs more of :)
  6. Albert

    Albert Banned Banned

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2004
  7. Happeh

    Happeh Banned Banned

    Have you considered any other theories. You are obviously full of hate and anger. Let us say that Gerard tells you who his instructors are. By the tone of your posts, your response would probably be to denigrate and insult the instructors.

    Why should Gerard subject his instructors and their reputation to your hate and violence?

    "arrogant about what I've learned (none of which I've made up), as you are about what you feel you know (or have made up), but at least I know something worth being arrogant about. At the risk of repeating myself, I am senior instructor with one of the oldest, most respected T'ai Chi schools in the world (www.wustyle.com), you are just "Gerard." That says it all for me."

    You forgot egotistical. If you were a real martial artist, you would not be braying about "top instructor" and "respected school".

    You are a fighter. A violent man who beats others. Not a martial artist.
  8. HK Pedestrian

    HK Pedestrian New Member

    Sticks and Stones will Break my Bones...


    Listen carefully, this is a MESSAGE BOARD. I am using WORDS. You are in NO PHYSICAL DANGER. Do simple words really shake you up that much? Could you be that timorous? For you to explicitly state that I am violent from the tone I use on a message board is ridiculous and insulting and shows who YOU are quite well.

    It is pretty funny. Apparently Gerard can insult me all he wants with impunity. If I stick up for myself, point out what I see is wrong with what he said, you say that makes me a violent criminal! What a double standard!

    I am a fighter, to be sure, and a good one, but for you to imply that I am a bully is unjustified. Reread Gerard's posts. If you can't see the syndrome of his antipathy for acknowledging competence in other people, it means you are on the same page, either as a fellow charlatan or as a willing victim of such a charlatan.

    I would certainly use his teachers as a reference in any future discussions. If they are good teachers I would be able to point out to him how what he is accusing me of contradicts what they teach. I could even have him ask them about my school. BTW, what is wrong from being from a good school? They aren't unicorns, you know, they do exist. I didn't say it was the best or only school, and I didn't say that I was the best or only instructor. I didn't insult any other school or exalt myself past any other style, yet you would paint me as having done so. I'm not buying it. You want to chop off my head to make youself and our friend Gerard seem taller. You have the ability to make that choice, but you don't have the ability or civility to see or care about the consequences of that choice. I teach my students that they are responsible for what they say. I was kind to Gerard and he came gunning for me with snide, incompetent accusations of incompetence on my part and I hold him responsible for that. YOUR insults are also duly noted.

    Please see the topic rules if you have any more questions.

  9. dashao

    dashao New Member

    to be quite honest both hk and gerard are insulting each other why do internal threads always end up with few people insulting each other the topics are always lost after a few posts its about chi ppl not an opportunity for people to insult each other. oh and for your informstion its the beer talking right now. :D
  10. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Okay well if you click the link and im referring to the http://www.noetic.org/research/medbiblio/biblio.html one you just get taken to a searchable database. Are you suggesting that we read every article or were you referring to any specific one that relates/supports your argument?

    That point aside though the one author you do mention i.e. Mircea Eliade (note Eliade is his surname) I know a thing or two about. He is considered one of the founding figures of the academic Study of Religions and was by all accounts a rather brilliant man. However, that does not mean he is infallible. Eliade's theories have been heavily criticised, questioned and revised in more recent times (even by his supporters!). The Phenomenological method which he advocated for research is also highly controversial and in fact many people argue if it is even possible as it requires you to 'bracket out' your own personal perspective/attitude.

    Personally, I find what stuff of his I have read quite interesting but he really was a man of his times. His writing struck me as having a rather severe desire to exalt exotic and in particular 'oriental' religions. He also seemed to regard 'orinetal religions' as a cure to the advancing Western materialism and to me that rings warning bells. When someone is looking at something as a cure to their problems they aren't being very objective. Still an interesting guy but theres alot of newer and better researched stuff out there now.

    So theres some information about that particular author may I ask did you do any research into who he was?
  11. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    I agree with Hwardo, this looks like a Daoist? battlefield.

    I give up. Sorry to all the people I have offended :(


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