
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Geordie Boy, Mar 5, 2003.

  1. Geordie Boy

    Geordie Boy New Member

    Any one got any good plyometric exercises?

    did some last night, only basic ones but wow.

    Someone lies down flat the other just bounds over the legs side to side.

    My legs felt like they were gonna drop off! BUT I LIKE IT!:eek:)

    So come on give 'us some good'uns.
  2. khafra

    khafra New Member

    Clapping pushups, always a classic.
  3. Cain

    Cain New Member

    If they are too hard then even fast push ups can help

  4. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    If you are just beginning plyometrics training, just a word of caution that they can be stressful to the body and joints.... specially knees!. You will be exercising ballistically with explosive movements. You do need to warm up thoroughly .
    For developing the legs here are some. There is an Hapkido exercise routine called silent leaping where you begin in a stance shoulder width apart. ...jump ing up as high as you can while trying to touch your knees to your chest. You then land with the feet spread apart squatting down so that the shock of landing is absorbed as lightly as you can. (30-50 reps)
    You can also jump with both feet on to a box or stair without using your hands.
    Also hopping, skipping and springing knee touches (used in Judo).
    Just be careful of the knees. Start by kneeling on one knee with your hands grasped behind your head. Jump high into the air, switching legs so that you first land on your toes and then squat down into a kneeling position on the opposite knee. Don't land right on the knee. (30 to 50 reps)

    And as khafra and cain suggested .... push ups will target the arms. Try exploding pushups by lying on floor (prefereably a mat)face in a push up position. Explode high into the air by thrusting your your arms quickly into the mat. Catch yourself with your hands or fists and slightly bent arms lowering yourself back down to the mat. (20-30) You can also do plyometric curls with a curling bar. If you can curl 100 lbs. in one rep then use 10 lbs. lifting upwards explosively into the curl. (8-15 reps)
  5. r4bid

    r4bid New Member

    Yoda has made some good posts on the subject a while back, just do a search.
  6. Jazman

    Jazman New Member

    going with kick chick's pushups, lying on ground, hands at side, thrust hands into ground, throwing yourself into the air, then try it with clapping in the air!
  7. Sc0tsg1t

    Sc0tsg1t New Member

    Use sparingly

    Plyometrics should not be used extensively as they put a huge stress on the body. Warm up adequately and perhaps use them once a week. Every day is way too much so just be careful. There are many references on the net to using them safely so please do so.

    enjoy the pain chap.

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