
Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Tiger, Sep 6, 2003.

  1. Tiger

    Tiger New Member

    When puting patches on your uniform

    the Korean flag for example goes on
    your lower or middle left sleve.

    School name goes on your right chest side?
    and your county flag on your right side?

    I know there are many kinds of uniforms
    that represent all kinds of Taekwondo.

    Many patches can also represent awards
    that you have recieved from your instructors.

    Im not to good with all this but would like
    to know allitle more...

    thanx :cool: :D
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2003
  2. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    That is exactly how we place on our patches at our school also.... but I am not really sure there is a rule or ettiquette as far as putting patches on your dobok..... except of course making sure they are on straight and placed in the correct direction..... like the blue of the Korean flag on bottom.
  3. Holgate

    Holgate New Member

    would think it would be the school which would dictate where any patches were stitched on doboks, so a school by school thing.

    as for flags...the only thing I would say is as long as the flag is stitched the right way up there is no problem, there is nothing more annoying or insulting than a national flag hung the wrong way. We get it happen in britian all the time. I am by no means patriotic but I do get angry when so called patriots don't know thw right way to hang the union flag (also calling it a union jack gets up my's only a union jack when on the Jack staff of a royal navy ship or boat).

    I must admit I did find it amusing when the US hung the Canadian flag upside down in an event...a flag you so obviously cannot fail to put the right way and some nerk gets it wrong. I fully understand why so many canadians got upset though
  4. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    BTW... I do recall the Canadian flag being hung upside down by the US Marines at a baseball game a few years ago - which created not only a media hoopla, but also a Canadian knee-jerk reaction: they did the same thing. An eye for an eye??

    I don't want this thread to go off on a "political" tangent here.

    There are also "Instructor" patches ... many schools place on the left breast of the dobok.
    True, the school dictates the proper usage of patches.
    Patches are the temporal representation of what the school stands for in spirit, ethics, and philosophy. To add patches, badges, or markings to your uniform without your instructor's or school's permission is in many schools etiquette, considered highly disrespectful.
  5. Holgate

    Holgate New Member

    Agreed. sorry didn't mean my comments to be taken as a political tangent, is just one of those things that bugs me especially when I see the union flag legitimatly on doboks, gi's...etc and stitched on the wrong way. I think shows a lack of respect and understanding for your MA school...again just disrespect.

    so be careful out there ;)
  6. Artikon

    Artikon Advertise here ask me how

    Hehe kickchik I remeber that. Was the first year Toronto was in the world series of baseball. Course the best revenge we got was winning the series, first time a non american team did that I believe. . . . Okay I'll be quiet and go pet my moose now ;)
  7. waya

    waya Valued Member

    Some schools also put the flag patch(es) on the chest of the uniform. It all really depends on the school.
  8. Tiger

    Tiger New Member


    all americans just do it for show :rolleyes:
    I will also go and by me more case of beer 'eh?

    ;):cool: :Angel:

    Patch i have now is Korean and Canadian flag
    together in one patch
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2003
  9. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    ???? Not quite sure what that means... but I guess anything "non-utilitarian" on your uniform would be "just for show".

    Our school members don't wear many patches so we have very simple rules. On the TKD uniform (white), we wear our ITA (Independent TKD Association) patch on the right chest. If you choose to wear a flag patch, it goes on the right sleeve. On one uniform, I wear a small US Flag with a Korean flag attached (same size, no words) on my sleeve because I have trained in both places. (That's my choice, not a school thing). When we belonged to the USTU, we wore the USTU patches on the right chest (still have a uniform with that on it). Normally in class, I wear a plain uniform without patches.

    On our Hapkido uniforms (black), we ONLY wear the ICHF patch on the left chest and no other patches on the uniform.

    At the various schools I have been to, in the US, Canada, and Korea, I have seen many ways of putting patches on. The only common thread I have seen is that it is usaully the same within each school, not necessarily between the schools.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2003

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