Overdue introduction

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by gungfujoe, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. gungfujoe

    gungfujoe Please, call me Erik. :)

    I posted once or twice here quite some time ago after finding a thread in a web search, and then forgot about the site for awhile. I came back a little while ago, and have gotten involved in a number of threads, but it occurs to me that I never introduced myself. With apologies for tardiness, here's my intro. :)

    My name is Erik Harris, and I run a small club in Alexandria, VA. I teach Liu Seong Gung Fu, which is a combination of various gungfu and pentjak silat systems that were combined and taught by Willem Reeders (Liu Seong). Rather than bore you with more details on the art, I'll refer those interested to the history page on my club's site (which is more a combination of history and folklore than straight-up history), listed in my signature.

    I've been involved in martial arts most of my life, starting with Poekoelan Tja Kalong (Tjikalong or Cikalong to most people) at age six. I stopped that after a year and a half, and decided to get back into martial arts when I was 11, when I found this system (my poekoelan teacher had left the area). I've been training in this system ever since (I'm currently 28). I've cross-trained in various other arts over the years, and have spent a good deal of time in multi-art clubs, but this has always been the one art I truly consider myself a student of.
  2. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Hi Erik, welcome to MAP :)
  3. Pacificshore

    Pacificshore Hit n RUN!

    Welcome on board
  4. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Nice to see someone else from Alexandria on the board. Welcome. :)
  5. karate princess

    karate princess Savvy??

    Hi Erik, welcome to MAP!

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