Online UK suppliers?

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by dra_uk, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. dra_uk

    dra_uk Lost in Translation


    I've just started taking Taijutsu again after a break of about 13 years. I've only been to the dojo twice so far, but really enjoyed it.

    I stayed for the Advanced class which involved weapons, and now want to purchase some of my own for the class.

    I need to find a reasonably priced Hanbo and a Bokken. I also want to find a good quality gi. I was pointed towards Blitz Sports which seems alright, but wanted to hear some other suggestions.

    As to the gi, I really don't want to buy a "Ninja Uniform." I have no need for a hood, or any of that crap. I want a heavy gi and some indoor tabi to go with it.

    Thanks very much for your help, and I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

    All the best,

  2. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    you could try they might have what your looking for

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