Old guy training

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Xue Sheng, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Strange double post thing occurred.....nothing to see here..... just move along :)
  2. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Feeling a bit nostalgic today, much the reason for this post in my training log I guess

    Just realized, 27 years ago on September 14th, I took my first Chinese martial arts class.

    After a 19 years of Japanese and Korean martial arts and a back injury I decided to give Taijquan a try, It was the Beijing 24 form. And as far as taijiquan is concerned, over the last 27 years, I have trained Yang, Chen, Wu, Cheng Manching (Cheng Manching's version and the William CC Chen variation) and Sun. I have done Yang the longest, for about 24 years. I no longer do Wu or Chen, and I never did finish either of the CMC forms. But I did learn a bit of Sun recently, a competition form, and I have started working on traditional Sun. One of these days I might get back to the CMC form, the Cheng Manching version, but for now it is still Yang style with the addition of Sun
    axelb likes this.
  3. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Friday, September 28, 2018
    100 Crunches
    20 reverse crunches
    12 pushups on fists
    2 mile walk
    axelb likes this.
  4. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Saturday, September 29, 2018...so far
    Push hands group this morning, did a lot of work on Qinna..... I would work on this stuff and do push hands all day if I had the chance
    aaradia likes this.
  5. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Saturday 29, 2018 Evening

    Qigong based on water element
    Sun Style Competition Form
    Yang Style Long Form
    Yang 24 form with wrist weights
    Ba Duan Jin with wrist weights
  6. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Sunday, September 30, 2018

    Sun Style Taijiquan
    1 mile walk (more relaxation than exercise)

    Cutting up limbs with an Ax, hatchet and saw (that's a workout)

    Also apparently have developed carpal tunnel in my right hand
    axelb likes this.
  7. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Note on Stance training (aka standing meditation, aks Zhan Zuang)
    The past few days I was been doing the following prior to doing stance training found in Xingyiquan and Yiquan

    The following Yoga poses, held for 3 to 6 breaths each pose - as kind of a warm-up

    forward Bend
    Warrior 1, right
    Warrior 2, right
    5 point pose
    Wide leg forward bend
    Warrior 1, left
    Warrior 2, left
    5 point pose
    Wide leg forward bend
    Forward bend
    Side bend right
    Side bend left
    Supported half-moon post right
    Supported half-moon post left

    Then stance training; I am finding it easier to stand longer and there seems to be less chatter going on in my mind. This gives me the ability to find connections better and work with passive and antagonistic muscles. Although the passive/antagonistic bit is in the very early stages

    Stances I have been doing, none are held very long at this point, only 3 to 5 minutes per stance, depends on how much time I have available.

    Wuji - Sun Style
    Huan yin standing
    Bear Standing
    Santi Shi Right
    Santi Shi left
    Ride Tiger right
    Ride tiger left
    Wuji - (the standard most see)

    Note: One of my teacher's teachers was BP Chan and I was told he had said, unless you can stand in Santi Shi 20 minutes per side, you are not even a beginner.
    axelb likes this.
  8. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Been doing a short Qigong routine in the morning for the last 7 days. Forgot it this morning and went to push hands, had a great time, but I cold tell something was off. Did qigong when I came home, felt a little better.
    axelb likes this.
  9. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 6, 2018

    Push hands


    Rest of the day....just plain lazy

    October 7, 2018


    Qigong (Baduanjin)

    Sun Taijiquan short form
    Yang Traditional Long Form
  10. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 8, 2018



    Yang Long Form
  11. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 9, 2018


    Tried something new. A HIIT program for old guys like me. I needed to do something while I wait for test results

    Stationary Bike; 5 rounds 90 seconds regular pace, 20 second all out
    Total Gym: 3 rounds, one right after the other, no rest, 10 times; Kick Back, Rows, over head pull down, Iron Cross. Then walk for 90 seconds

    Sun Taijiquan short form.

    I am beginning to wonder if I am not doing Traditional Yang Taijiquan because I have been doing it for 25 years. I have been doing the form of late on auto-pilot and that is not good.
    axelb likes this.
  12. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 10, 2018




    Beijing 24 form X2
    Sun Short Form
    Yiquan stepping training
    Xingyiquan 5 elements done slowly

    After the (10-9-2018) incredibly easy HIIT program, I spent much of yesterday (10-10-2018) with joint pain, hips, knees, 1 ankle, 1 elbow and 1 wrist. So, I guess, I wait for the results of tests
    axelb likes this.
  13. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside


    Managed to sprain my ankle and I am not in a splint and using a cane for the next few days
  14. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    :( ouch! I hope that heals up soon
    Xue Sheng likes this.
  15. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 22, 2018...easing my way back in to it

    push ups (will not do push ups again anytime soon, wrists hurt all day)
    Beijing 24 form
    Short Sun Taiji form

    Total Gym
    1. Lat pull
    2. Rows
    3. Curls
    4. Press
    5. Tricep Extensions
    6. Pull over with crunch

    Beijing 24 form with kinetic bands
    Beijing 24 form with wrist weights
    Beijing 24 form
    Sun Short form
  16. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 23, 2018



    Evening (not feeling well, stomach issues)

    Interestingly I went to do the Beijing 24 form but automatically went into the first form, so I went with it

    Traditional Yang Long Form
    Beijing 24 form
    Sun taijiquan short form
    axelb likes this.
  17. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 24, 2018




    Total Gym
    Sun Taiji short form, done 2 times
    Yoga for leg strength; Warrior poses, mountain, chair pose, half-moon pose,
  18. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 25, 2018


    Sun Taiji short form, done 4 times
    axelb likes this.
  19. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    October 25, 2018


    Sun Taiji Short Form, 3 times
    axelb likes this.
  20. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    ***October 26, 2018




    Sun Taiji short form
    Beijing 24 form

    ***October 27, 2018


    Sun Taijquan short form
    Push hands


    Total gym
    Dead lifts

    ***October 28, 2018




    Sun Taiji short form
    axelb likes this.

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