Nutrition advice

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Emil, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. Emil

    Emil Valued Member

    Shake advice

    Hi guys. A few months ago, my traing was seriously impared by an accident sustained to my leg whilst I was Ice Dancing. I was out of training for four months, and I have just recently recomenced my training to a small degree, but my leg is as yet prohibitting me from training as vigorously as I would like.

    During the time I spent away from training, inevitably my weight level began to increase. So, I have worked out a diet using low GI carbs and a higher intake of protein. Seeing as I am vegan, organising a diet is difficult, but I feel as though I am getting there.

    However, I was hoping to look into some protein shakes that are obviously high in proteing, but low in carbs/calories. I have never really had then need to look into protein shakes, as bodybuilding has never been very high on my agenda, and weight lifting was second to my Martial Arts training.

    My question is: what pshake would you recomend that would fill my requred criteria?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2007
  2. bwhite55

    bwhite55 Valued Member

    first of all, i think anybody who is active should be taking in more protein than somebody that is not, regardless of what your sport is, be it bodybuilding, MA, lifting, or whatever it is, and you can easily get that through your diet most of the time, however in your case its a lil bit harder.

    with that said, i'd say soy protein since whey and casein are both milk based and vegans don't do milk products.

    spirutein is good, and i think its completely soy protein, w/ some spirullina in there, i have heard great things bout genesoy as well.
  3. Mehrad

    Mehrad Valued Member

    I would reccomend hemp protein as unlike soy it provides better types of EFA's (essential fatty acids) and protein, it may be abit more exspensive but it is totally worth it!

    However, if your strapped for cash, why not make your own shakes!? Some fruits, nuts with a little soy milk, fruit juice or water, all blitzed and ready to drink!
  4. bwhite55

    bwhite55 Valued Member

    i've not heard of hemp protein.
  5. Mehrad

    Mehrad Valued Member

    Really? Its easy to get in most supermarkets nowdays, well just waitrose and health food stores.. :p
    It might be an aqquired taste so add some fruit juice or whatever healthy that takes your fancy with it to make it more paletable :)

    This is one you'll find in most stores:

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2007
  6. Emil

    Emil Valued Member

    Thanks for the help guys. Appreciated.

  7. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    at times like this, choosing to be a vegan bites you in the ass....

    pea protein is well hyped
  8. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Beware the distinct taste of ASS when consuming these proteins. They don't exactly lend themselves well to good eating.
  9. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    Pea protein is allegedly nice in soup.

    I don't believe it, myself. ;)
  10. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    It is, actually. So long as you mix it with something savoury it's ok. However, you can't have it as a shake unless you have no taste buds whatsoever. Imagine some dodgy powder your dad may have kept in the greenhouse for years on end to keep his plants alive. A pea protein shake tastes something like that probably would.

    So Em, in summary - Pea and or Rice protein are ok, so long as you find something that masks the taste. Good old MyProtein stock both at reasonable prices, too.

    KICKBOY Valued Member

    Personally I eat close to 3 lbs of meat a day with whey added where needed; however the female component of the household has diet issues, she needs to gain weight, and has issues with milk products. She just started the hemp protein last week, and with juice says it doesn’t taste too bad (IMO she is pretty picky too).
    Back to your original question, in all honesty I would consider a milk product like whey or cassain, because I am more familiar with how they work in the body, fast absorption VS slow. You want a slow burner with no carbs to sustain you. I also feel that some of the plant stuff like soy protein is not recognized by the body as food and may get stored as fat.
    I apologize for suggesting you break away from a conviction as I have no idea how important it is to you, I’m suggesting how you might deal with an injury with my limited opinion.
  12. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    That strikes me as a weird theory and presumably as equally applicable to hemp protein as soy. Mind if I ask you to elaborate?
    I used to be an extremely strict vegetarian. A brush with life-threatening anaemia put paid to my principles. I'm now a varietarian*. ;)

    *I made that up. ;)
  13. nready

    nready Verifying DMI pool....

    I wonder if they sale that in America?

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