New member...

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by koryuhoka, May 31, 2011.

  1. koryuhoka

    koryuhoka New Member


    I am interested in Okinawan and Chinese Martial Arts. My primary style is Goju Ryu and I incorporate Shorin Ryu Kata as I learn them, currently Naihanchin I, II, Passai Sho, Seisan so far, mainly influenced by Matsumura Seito.

    I studied Sun Lutang Hsing I Chuan, Chinna and Yi Chuan.

    Other arts I am interested in -

    All the Hakka Arts - Southern Mantis, Pak Mei, Dragon Shape.

    Fujian Styles - Yong Chun White Crane Boxing, Fujian Luohan Boxing..

    Six Harmony Praying Mantis Boxing.

    Ape Power Boxing...

    Most of the more obscure styles.

    35 years experience - study, research.

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