Massive Weight Loss

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by United We Fall, May 26, 2007.

  1. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    been there done that, worth the repost!
  2. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    200 to 189 really isn't a massive drop for 2 days, ir your TRYING to drop it, althogh its likely cut weight, not burnt off
  3. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    if your doing katas when you could be sprinting then your already half way there!
  4. RunningDog

    RunningDog Valued Member

    Average male needs 2500 calories. With your absurd 500 kata routine I'd say bump that up to at least 3000.

    500 kata indeed. Try sparring, Daniel-san
  5. Legless_Marine

    Legless_Marine Banned Banned

    That really doesn't make sense to me. Assuming the unlikely situation that your Kata takes 30 seconds to execute, that still means you'd be doing kata for four hours, assuming you didn't take any breaks.

  6. Talyn

    Talyn Reality Hacker

    Go do some weight lifting, sprinting, and find a class that does that oft-mentioned Holy Grail...

    ... Sparring.

    Or do you plan to be able to, in ten years, brag about how you did OVER NINE-THOUSAAAAND kata in two weeks? I'd rather be able to fight.
  7. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    why do you have to do it in public?

    Are they looking, pointing and laughing?? :confused:

    2 days? probably water loss and starvation, is it the summer holidays already???

    I run, 45km a week in, 15km every monday, weds and friday, i watch my weight but still only lose a couple of pounds max, why? cus i drink to replace what i have lost, i guess the OP is bust starving himself, by day 4 he will be posting from hospital! :D
    Last edited: May 28, 2007
  8. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Are you doing it correctly though? It's not quantity dude it's quality.

    I could do 1000 punches or cuts a day but if they all suck then it's going to do nothing more than give me a cardio work out and there's better ways of doing that anyway.
  9. Victoria

    Victoria Pretzel In Training

    I actually agree with Keikai

    In reply to the actual question in the OP. That much weight loss in two days is more likely to be mostly water loss, as well as muscle damage. I'm guessing your diet isn't up to much either.

    You may want to cut down on hundreds of kata a day, Or if you are that active at least look into a healthy diet.
    Also grab a black sack, gather up all the romantic MA movies and comics you own, chuck 'em in, tie it up, and stick it out for the bin man :Angel:
  10. Reakt

    Reakt Valued Member

    11lbs (5kg) of weight loss over two days seems like a very unhealthy amount to me, water retention loss included.
  11. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I'd eat more if I were you. I'd try to reduce weight loss to like 2 lbs per week.

    Other than that, I might be the only person who is going to come in here and congratulate you for your dedication and focus. Keep at it man. If you keep up the same dedication and focus, you'll succeed in ANY martial art or ANY discipline for that matter. Bar none.
  12. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    Way too low.

    If we assume, just for the moment, that you are telling us the truth (although I'm not buying it as you're 17 and it's doubtful that you are neither attending school nor working), you need to be consistent with your caloric intake. 900 is far too low for someone your age and alleged activity level; if you've dropped 11 pounds in just a couple of days, I agree that it's probably water weight. Fat can be burned off pretty quickly under the right conditions, but considering your metabolism and size, you're diet doesn't sound even remotely sufficient; I could get away, for a while, with 1200 calories, but that's because I'm older and smaller than you, with a slower metabolism. I don't see how 900 calories a day is near enough for you at 6' and 189 if I need 1500-2000 per day based on my size, age, physical activity and fitness goals (5'3", 130 lbs, 1-2 hours of good exercize per day, 6 days a week)
  13. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    I wrestled in highschool (gosh am i allowed to say that yet? graduation is in a week! :D ) 10lbs in 2 days is really not very labor intensive. i can lose 8 in afew hours if need be, granted it is water and starvation, but none the less.
  14. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    HOLY CRAP! You are still in high school? I thought you gradumacated already! Congratulations dude!
  15. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    But in all fairness, how quickly did you put it back on and how healthy a way was it to lose weight?
  16. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    as i said, if your trying to toss it, i put it back on in a few days,and no, it wasnt a very healthy way to lose it, starvation, and rapid, intense water loss. shadowboxing in the sauna, in sweats. lots and lots of running.ect.
  17. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    That's what I thought :)

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