Maintenance Sessions And Mobility Drills

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by SickDevildog, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. SickDevildog

    SickDevildog Lost In The Sauce

    I'm wondering what kind of mobility drills people are using as part of their stretching/cooldown/maintennace routines?

    I do a mix of Tai Chi Kung(soft), Hard Chi Kung, different kinds of kicks, and rotational stuff for the joints, hips and shoulders.

    Afterwards I do static stretching , mostly stuff for the spine, hipflexors, groin and legs.

    I showed you mine now show me yours. :p
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2007
  2. SickDevildog

    SickDevildog Lost In The Sauce

    Duh it might help typing up what I do:

    Maintenance Session Breakdown


    Tai Chi Kung x5 (PTMSTS)
    Universal Post x2min
    Condense x1min
    Womb x1min

    Circle Head

    Shoulder Locks
    Shoulder Dislocates
    Circle Shoulders

    Circle body 10x
    Circle hips 10x
    Circle knees 10x

    Elbow to toes 10x
    Pendulum leg stretch 10x
    Side leg stretch 10x
    Outside wheel kick 10x
    Lying leg stretch 10x
    Front/side combination kick 10x
    Back kick 10x
    Standing relaxation 1 minute

    Power Set
    Raise & lower palms 50x
    Cat stretches forward 10x
    Cat stretches backward 10x
    Cross-legged roll backs 20x
    Back arches 10x

    Stretching Set
    Chinese Toetouches x20
    Groin Stretch
    Side split holding ankles 1 minute
    Sit back, lean to left then right 1 minute each
    Head to left then right toe 1 minute each
    Lean forward 1 minute
    Front split left then right 1 minute each
    Mermaid x1min
    Hip Flexors 3x1min

    TCK x1


    I find that it helps balance out all the high intensity stuff I do.(weights, conditioning)
    It gives me a huge energy boost aswell, even if I only do some Chikung after a conditioning session I feel like going back and doing some more.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  3. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    Ankle mobility keeping weight on heel and shooting knee over toes, thorasic mobility with a size 3 basketball, and glenohumarul mobility with scapular stability by doing the scapular wall slide. When i get good at them exercises I will do overhead atg squats with a broom.

    I have anterior tilt so should I try to increase my hip flexion range of motion?

    I cant bring my knee to my chest while keeping my back off the ground like Bill Hartman recomends here.

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