MA vs Boxers

Discussion in 'Boxing' started by CirrusFalcon, Feb 4, 2004.

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  1. shootodog

    shootodog restless native

    boxing is american??? when did this happened???

    boxing originated in greece (helenic period).
  2. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member

    He probably meant modern boxing... which is still kinda wrong...

    Marquis of Queensbury Rules

    That name whould give some hint as to where it originated....

    And before that "London Prize Rules" also the name gives a clue....

    But right now America is where the big cash is for boxing.
  3. shootodog

    shootodog restless native

    i have cross trained in boxing, and continue to work it when i can. i has great skills training. as for boxers beating a tmaist: i would depend on the rules, the fighters, and their conditioning.

    styles don't win fights. fighters win fights.
  4. Pro Killer

    Pro Killer New Member

    Yea that guys abit wrong who said Boxing is american.
    It was invented by the greeks then years later is was brought back by a British Man, So I dunno were he got the whole Boxing is american crap.
  5. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member

    Ma vs Boxer

    I am going to take this from a TKD point of view (because that what I do).

    The biggest thing from my view, is not to box the boxer or grapple a grappler. My goal is to have the opponent play by my rules not me play by his. Yes this i a generalization, but you cannot sit here and say I would do x, y, z to this opponent, because every opponent is different there are some generalities, but every opponent is different.

    But, I have a lot of respect and admiration for Boxers. The majority of them spend several hours a week working over the basics, hard. Most other M.A.'s take several years just to become competent in their style (everyones different but..). Boxing does not take as long to learn all the moves necessary, the rest of the time is spent perfecting against live opponents. This is where Boxing has it's largest benefit. Most Boxers hit and are hit way more often than most other M.A.s are. Therefore can generally hit harder and far more used to being hit than most other M.A.s are It is the nature of the different arts. Most other M.A.'s spend more time learning technique, before getting into any type of real sparring conditions. Like in my school we have to learn front snap kick, side kick, roundhouse, reverse punch, back hand, ridge rand, low block, side block, and high block, before we can really start any sparring.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2004
  6. hedgehogey

    hedgehogey Banned Banned

    Don't box a boxer, don't grapple a grappler, one of the biggest, oldest, lies in MA.

    Facing a competent grappler or boxer YOU WON'T HAVE A CHOICE.

    It's that same "anti" mindset I keep talking about. Wanna beat a boxer? LEARN TO BOX. Then you won't be totally out of your league when he gets to his range (which he WILL do) and may have a chance of getting back to your preffered range.

    Or just have a REALLY fast takedown.
  7. Tireces

    Tireces New Member

    Actually, if you want to beat a boxer, I'd say learn to beat what he does, not learn to do what he does.
  8. KungfuDanny

    KungfuDanny New Member

    Boxing is a very tough and physical sport....but it IS a sport. Boxers don't trap, kick, knee, elbow, lock, pin, throw, palmstrike, sweep or do any of the painful and effective things that many martial arts do. The fact is (only IMO of course!) that a skilled martial artist ought to have to have the power, speed and techiques to beat even a good boxer.

    As to whether or not boxers have more power, I don't see why. In Kung fu, Karate, TKD, power is trained to a very high level.

    I hope to do boxing regularly myself in the very near future because I think it teachs some basic techiques very well and its also GREAT for fitness.

  9. LeadLegger

    LeadLegger New Member

    I agree with Tireces. If you learn to box in an attempt to beat a boxer, you probably won't have a chance because he's been training in boxing longer than you have. You should never play another man's game, a boxer told me that once.

    It's like sparring a taller person. You don't want to stay on the outside. You want to stay on the inside because it's an advantage.
  10. Speed

    Speed New Member

    Are you all talking about prize/sport boxing style vs asian fighting style in the ring and using rules only??

    "EVERYTIME a boxer spars, hits pads or the bag he has his hand wrapped and gloves on top of that."

    Maybe, but I used hand wraps and gloves the first couple months I started boxing so I wouldn't break any knuckles or hurt my wrist right away while learning basics. Now I don't use anything on my hands/wrist since my wrist and knuckles have been built up.

    "Aug. 23, 1988 -- Breaks a bone in his right hand in a 4 a.m. street brawl with professional fighter Mitch Green in Harlem."

    Did Mitch Green win or did that bone breaking punch send Mr Green to the gound? You can still win and have broken nuckles, think KO on that first punch. To think you'll win a street fight with no pain is silly. And Tyson is use to rules and gloves/wraps cause he's a prize fighter, not a real street fighter.

    "Boxing is a very tough and physical sport....but it IS a sport."

    Thats like saying asian fighting styles are nothing but an art and are just for show which isn't true. Ever think of a freestyle boxer that uses NO gloves/wraps in full contact sparring and DOESN'T have to fight by rules of the ring, so he/she throws elbows, headbutts, etc and has actually been in multi street fights.

    Also boxers are starting to crosstrain, I can't be the only one. So the theory of 'take it to the ground' versus a boxer may not work if he/she crosstrains.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2004
  11. Kaela

    Kaela New Member

    Boxing vs. Wing Chun

    I would like your opinion on this...

    I visited a Wing Chun hall (an art which I admire for its simplicity and directness) and was training with another beginner who comes from a boxing background.

    (By the way, this _is_ a true story ;) )

    We were practing counter attacks against a punch to the face. The guy I was training with is a boxer, who was also visiting. The instructor asked the guy to punch to my face, which he did with a boxer's punch. The instructor stopped him, telling him to use a Wing Chun style punch.

    The instructor then proceeded to say that a Wing Chun punch was more effective than boxing due to the distance a boxer's punch must travel and the time it takes to reach its target. The instructor said that a Wing Chun punch took less time (1/4 or 1/2 the time, can't remember exactly).

    btw, I practice neither boxing nor Wing Chun so I'm impartial on the matter.


    My favourite self defence technique is ru-ning.
  12. shootodog

    shootodog restless native

    is cross training such a taboo? i appreciate what i learn from all the arts i take from.

    a wing chun punch is faster than a boxers' punch? is that an average? when were the population sets of boxers and wing chun practitioners timed and averaged? are they faster than roy jones, jr.?

    all i can say is this. some guy may be faster/ stronger/ more efficient than the other guy. but that's the guy, not the art.
  13. Pro Killer

    Pro Killer New Member

    Wtf R u on about mate? A boxer hits harder than all them crappy martial arts!
    They concentrate on all [naughty language]like flying kick thats are really weak and throw and everything wereas a boxer just punches and perfects that art so ofcourse they hit harder!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2004
  14. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

  15. LeadLegger

    LeadLegger New Member

    Have you ever been hit with a flying kick? They hurt a whole lot more than anything a boxer can dish out :woo:
  16. LeadLegger

    LeadLegger New Member

    It does depend on the guy, but it also depends on the technique :Angel:
  17. MuayThaiGuy

    MuayThaiGuy New Member

    Nope, and I've never met anyone who has, even when I was in TKD. You have to at least severely stun someone to have any chance of a flying kick connecting, I can't think of an easier move to dodge.
  18. LeadLegger

    LeadLegger New Member

    That wasn't the point. Pro Killer said that a boxer's punch is more powerful than a flying kick.
  19. totality

    totality New Member

    this thread should probably be deleted before any of you silly martial artists go out and get beat up by a boxer. ;)

    ESPECIALLY you damned grapplers.
  20. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    We've had some good debate on this thread and I'd hate to see it locked.


    Back on topic gentlemen, no more stupid generic posts please.

    Remember, I'm watching...

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