Kenpo Training

Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by Mujuk Striker, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. Mujuk Striker

    Mujuk Striker New Member

    Hey guys, I'm new to kenpo but I won't be looking into schools for a while (if at all) so I was wondering, what kind of training do you MAs do in the school/individually? What do your schools/self emphasize in training for combat? Etc. Thanks for reading-
  2. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    2 weeks after I started Kempo I took a seminar with a 10th Dan and at the end he had a Q&A. I asked "as a beginning student what is teh most important thing I need to learn" and his answer was "you need to learn that you are out of shape. All the most amazing technique in the world is no use to you if you take one shot and are on your knees puking in the mud. You have to be in shape."

    So if you want to do something before you start training, do situps, pushups, running, etc. Also stretching and flexibility exercises. Then, once you start learning it for real, you will be ready to execute.

    Me, I have to do both at the same time now - work on my fitness as well as train technique.
  3. Darting Viper

    Darting Viper Combat Theorist


    As an amateur personal trainer, I cannot agree more with the advice of KenpoDavid. In addition to basic physical conditioning, try these plyometric exercises:

    • Power Pushes -- If you have access to a heavy bag, begin this exercise by standing at a distance of a little less than arms length to the bag. Stand in a steady front stance (either your left or your right foot can be forward). Push the bag away from you as hard as you can. Wait until the bag comes back to you. Once the bag has swung close enough to you so that you can touch it with your arms stretched out, absorb the energy of the bag by allowing your arms to bend about two inches. Then, forcefully push the bag away from you. This push is considered one rep. Then, repeat the steps ... letting the bag come to you again, absorb the impact, and explode. Power Pushes is an exercise that has been scientifically proven to enhance your punching speed dramatically.

      If you do not have access to a punching bag, however, you will need a partner and a light medicine ball to complete the drill. Have your partner throw the ball to you. You will absorb the energy of the ball as stated above and explosively push the ball away from you. Your partner will, then, catch the ball and toss it back to you.
    • Box Jumps -- (Part 1) Find a small plyo box. Stand behind the box. Jump over the box. As you are in mid-air, try and touch your chest with your knees. Then, turn around and jump back over the box in the same manner. That is one rep. (Part 2) Stand on the left side of the plyo box and stand only on your left leg. Hop over the box by pushing off with your left leg and landing with your right leg. Then, jump back over the plyo box in the same manner with your right leg.

    The routine: Perform 3 – 5 sets of 20 reps of Power Pushes and 3 – 5 sets of 10 reps of Box Jumps, part 1 and part 2, per week.

    Also, get the following book: Speed Training: How to Develop Your Maximum Speed for Martial Arts by Loren Christensen. I cannot emphasize enough the necessity for speed training for kenpo / kempo practitioners. I have a friend who holds a green belt in Okinawa-style kempo (actually, it’s a modified version called kuro-bushi kai karate-do kempo) and he wins almost all of his fights and tournaments with almost nothing more than hook punches to the ribs. Yet, because of his speed and efficiency in movement, he is able to tag you in the ribs with nearly 8 hooks before a second is over. So, I cannot emphasize more the importance of having speed. Most beginners believe that the more techniques they know, the better. However, as my friend has proven, that is not true.

    I hope this helps.

    Your brother in the martial arts,
    Darting Viper
    Last edited: May 31, 2004
  4. matsloth

    matsloth New Member


    as an instructor as well as student , the main things i look for in a person is
    dedication ,intent and determination,
    break this down:
    dedication / train hard ,train long and as often as posible.
    intent/ learn not only physical intent but mental intent ( do it and mean it)
    determination/never give up, if you say i can only do 10 push ups , then push 12 , get knocked down ,get up and do it again.
    your body is cast by your mind , also set goals and stick to them.
    apart from techniques try to sparr often , it is great for cardio , distance , speed , and dexterity training,you will get great body conditioning as you build power.
  5. K93200

    K93200 Banned Banned

    woooah that sounds cool, I'll be trying out for kenpo around July 20, sounds like I'll be having fun heh heh :D
  6. speed_dragon

    speed_dragon Valued Member

    us soldier at fort bragg nc ne1 know ne good kenpo schools that are close by

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