Is my boxing coach legit?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Andrew Green, Mar 10, 2004.

  1. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member

    Ok, I want to study pure boxing.

    I found this guy, he claims to be the 7th grandmaster of the Sullivan school of "The Noble art of Self-Defence"

    But here is the thing, I went in and he was teaching a class, wearing VELCRO gloves. Not just that, they where wearing MOUTHGUARDS. If this is truly unchanged Sullivan style boxing shouldn't these things be absent?

    Also how can I verify his lineage? What papers should I ask to see?

    I mean, I don't want to end up in some "modern" school, where the coach just uses what he feels works, or has drawn from a number of sources. I want to make sure I get the real deal.

    Anyways I did a class, to see what it was like, I'll try and describe it if that will be of any help.

    We did some light warm up excercises then broke of based on experience.

    We practiced simple techniques, taking turns punching and blocking.

    The more advanced students where doing the same sort of thing. Only with more steps. The instructor would call out the count and they would go through some cool looking combinations all in sync. It looked really neat.

    Anyways, The testing requirements seem to be based off of these patterns. He told me that for yellow hand wraps I need to demonstrate the first 10 two person excercises, and the first shadow boxing sequence.

    He also told me that after I get black hand wraps I get to start sparring, usually 4-5 years.


    Anyways, it seems really good and practical, but how do I tell if it is a legitimate instructor? I mean how can I verify his lineage?
  2. totality

    totality New Member

    you're lucky you're AG, otherwise i might not have looked at which forum this was in...:D
  3. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member


    What? I'm serious :D
  4. 47Ronin

    47Ronin New Member

    LMAO, ask his mom for lineage.
  5. Cain

    Cain New Member

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! :D

    Boxing katas!!!! That's GOT to be the joke of the year :D

  6. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    LOL - I got about half way down before I looked at the foprum area :rolleyes:

    Ya got me :eek:
  7. morphus

    morphus Doobrey

    Damn me too & i only got it cos the other guys did.
  8. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member


    Scary how many people I've gotten :D

    Scarrier how many almost identical posts come out of people that aren't jokes :D
  9. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    You didn't get me, I was too busy looking cool! :D ;)

    Good post btw :D
  10. Shortfuse

    Shortfuse King of Hearts

    boxing weapon forms
  11. semphoon

    semphoon walk idiot, walk.

    YES!!! :D
  12. Louie

    Louie STUNT DAD Supporter


    Attached Files:

  13. Jewbacca

    Jewbacca New Member


    Might I point out that the man on the right has a severely misproportioned backside.

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