How you train = how you live

Discussion in 'Karate' started by JurassicWarrior, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. Alex_JHH

    Alex_JHH Cardboard Tube Samurai

    I understand to a certain extent, but some people get their relaxation from something else such as sport...
    I like to call it the "training high", when I feel on top of the world for the few hours afterwards.
  2. Chris.B

    Chris.B New Member

    Umm, yea I'm with KGirl. Yes people who train with disipline and repect will be able to control their temper a bit more. NO, we are not more Kgirl said. NO we do not use cell phones less.

    So let me get this stright because we "US" train in MA we are peron that....ok someone help me out here.
  3. aml01_ph

    aml01_ph Urrgggh...

    I knew a person like that once, and I think people ike those are called achievers.

    "Regardless of anyone else." What about the rights of other people? The martial arts were originally designed as systematic methodologies for studying warfare. Do you feel that since we train in techniques used for war we are immediately "superior" than other human beings?

    The Nazis annihalated Jews just because they believed that the Jew as a race is something o be excised from humankind. Is your thinking any different?
  4. iolair

    iolair Mostly Harmless

    Hey! I'm surprised you remember it...

    It's kind of on the backburner, I don't have time to develop much new at the moment due to family and work commitments. I have been teaching beginners' kickboxing at the school where I teach, which has been very useful; I've also been taking "Applied" Ju Jitsu to broaden my grappling base.

    And actually through all that, I've become more convinced that Gunlann is a worthwhile pursuit. The basic principle (having a small base of techniques so you can get very familiar with them) seems sound.
  5. Radok

    Radok Love myself better than U

    Yeah I remembered it from WAY back when you first posted it on KF.
  6. JurassicWarrior

    JurassicWarrior New Member

    No i don't I never stated that MAers, true MAers or achievers were superior to other human beings. WE all have the same amt of chromosomes. The above mentioned groups are those who take what life throws at them and just keeps on truckin. Doesn't make them "superior", just more pragmatic.
  7. aml01_ph

    aml01_ph Urrgggh...

    I'm sorry, but I got that impression from you with this post:

    The "regardless of anyone else" is what really bothered me. Does this mean that you believe that a true martial artist has no consideration for other people?
  8. Reiki

    Reiki Ki is everything!

    My motto is to always train like you mean it.

    If u train so-so then when u really need to defend yourself then you will be so-so in your defence and you will get hurt!

    There are no compromises, only coffins.
  9. JurassicWarrior

    JurassicWarrior New Member

    No that's not what I meant. I supposed I got carried away on taht part.
  10. aml01_ph

    aml01_ph Urrgggh...

    I suppose that is good then. People need to learn that joining a martial arts club is no different than getting a membership from a health club. Heck, a so-called black belt can still get beat up by a common street thug.
  11. Goju

    Goju Yellow Belt

    I can see what he means, but, I didn't like the train bad= live bad part...Only because it makes no sense though. If someone has no idea what the hell to do (i.e. some whitebelts)and trains improperly, your saying it reflects on all aspects of their life, therefor they lead "bad" lives, THAT MAKES NO SENSE. When I was a whitebelt I felt I was living a good life, but that was mainly because I was learning karate and I liked the way that people in the dojo viewed life.

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