How to play .001, .002, etc. video files?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by PlasmaShock, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. PlasmaShock

    PlasmaShock Valued Member

    I have a bunch of video files like these that I want to play. Someone recommended hjsplit so I downloaded and tried joining the files together. But the only one that joins and plays is the .001 file. But that's only one part of the video and I need to see the whole thing. How can I join the other video files?
  2. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    What is the actual format? I've never seen video files with .001, .002 extensions before? Are these from a camcorder or something?
  3. PlasmaShock

    PlasmaShock Valued Member

    WMV. They are splitted files and I'm trying to join them together so I can view them.
  4. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Can't you join them with Windows built in movie maker application? Otherwise I'd try something VideoStudio from Ulead.
  5. DomoCobra

    DomoCobra New Member

    Ive had videos in this form before as .001 .002 and so forth and I use hjsplit to join them, Make sure that all the file names are the same so its hello.001 hello.002 any difference in the name will not allow them to join, But hjsplit should join them.
  6. Topher

    Topher allo!

    It sounds 001 and 002 are the file name, not the extension. The extension is .wmv, right.
  7. newy085

    newy085 Valued Member

    no the extension will be .001

    It is split using a program called hjsplit. To rejoin them you will have to make sure all the file names are the same. It should be in the format of - moviename.wmv.001, moviename.wmv.002 .

    When you use hjsplit you will only see the 001 file in the open box but just open the file and process, it will automatically join it with the rest of the files in the same directory with the same name. Make sure you are not missing a number, or else it will only join up to that number.

    Hope that helps.
  8. PlasmaShock

    PlasmaShock Valued Member

    Movie maker doesn't recognize the file and sony vegas just freezes.

    When I join them the process is always successfull but when I play the file that was formed from joining of all the splitted files, it only plays what the first one would be.

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