How to get rid of 'It'?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Xia, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. Xia

    Xia Dragon of Heaven

    That is always the problem...arms and how to get rid of that excess flab, the stuff that jiggles when you punch, no matter how fit you's a real shock to the system. Got any ideas on how to do it?

    Went to the search engines, but with no luck.
    "Ideas are like children, non are the best but your own."
  2. Grifter

    Grifter Edited by White Wizard

    My only guess would be tone you triceps... all I can think of
  3. khafra

    khafra New Member

    Liposuction should work.

    If you don't wanna try that, eat less, exercise more, try a cyclic ketogenic diet, maybe check out thermogenics, weight loss aids like conjugated linoleic acid, acetyl l-carnitine, and alpha lipoic acid; and check out percutaneous yohimbine solutions like yohimburn for targeting your bodyfat reduction to your arms.
  4. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Short of surgery, the tricep work is the way to go!
  5. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Is it the flab on the underneath of the arm, or the top?

    The one underneath is a bitch to get rid of, tricep exersizes don't seem to do much.
  6. Greg-VT

    Greg-VT Peasant

    I would suspect that by weight training your tricep, the growth will 'thin' the fat across the larger service area.

    Try that.

    And Khafra, how the hell do you know all that stuff? I'm like, 'wow'.
  7. Grifter

    Grifter Edited by White Wizard

    Yea I was thinking the same way as you VT. Though I dont have that problem so I cant be sure if it works.
  8. khafra

    khafra New Member

    Heh, the first three there (cla, ala, alcar) have been combined by a few bodybuilders with degrees in biochemistry and dubbed the anarchy stack--they all help with nutrient partitioning, and the ala helps mediate carb uptake, preventing an insulin spike if you take it before a meal. You can google "anarchy stack" and find quite a bit on it. is one percutaneous yohimbine hcl solution, is another--both actually better than yohimburn. They're not magic, but they do effect spot reduction, if you're in a caloric deficit.
  9. Xia

    Xia Dragon of Heaven answer that question Kgirl, the lower flab. Ugh, and it is a pain in the ass to get rid of.

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