How often do you practice?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Mark, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. Mark

    Mark New Member

    How often does everybody practice their martial art compared to time spent in class? What do you think is adequate for steady learning?

    BTW, thinks Thomas Vince for you reply on my kenpo question. I started taking judo and tai chi, I love both classes so thinks for everyone's help.:)

  2. mmafiter

    mmafiter New Member

    Are you asking how much we train all together, or just outside of our regularly scheduled martial arts classes?:confused:
  3. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Pretty much whenever I have a spare moment, even when I'm online I tend to be standing and practicing techniques while I wait for web pages to load.
  4. Joseki

    Joseki Valued Member

    Every spare moment i have
  5. KarateKid1975

    KarateKid1975 New Member

    My man and I go to class 3 days a week (me = tues, thur, & sat during the day. Him = Mon & thurs at night, and sat with me). Besides our normal classes, we "make our own" classes. Wednsday nights, we work on self defense. Sometimes we just decide to work on stuff (forms, step sparring, ect). We have a B.O.B. in the living room and it gets kicked by both of us every day (mostly "drive-by" kickings :D ). So we always work on stuff, even if it's just for 5 minutes. We end up doing our forms or step sparring while we are waiting for something to cook.
  6. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    Whenever I've got time, and I usually make time, I try to train 4-5 Hrs a day including classes. And when I'm not training I'm usually thinking about it. Its not unknown for me to practice balancing or isoteric exercises in the supermarket que.

  7. khafra

    khafra New Member

    If I'm ever across the pond there, can I bring my wife to meet you, CKDstudent and Freeform? She thinks I'm nuts when I do things like that.
  8. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Feel free, might not be a good idea if you want her back sane though.
  9. Mark

    Mark New Member

    mmafiter, i mean how long do you practice in class and then how long do you practice outside of the class. I started judo and tai chi because the classes each are only one day a week and 1 1/2 hours per class.

    I'm blown away at how often you people work on your art. I'm going to start practicing as soon as I get the forms right, and i've got a lot of free time on my hands.

    Good day,
  10. Silver_no2

    Silver_no2 Avenging Angel

    Is that a metaphor for something else?

    I normally train in class for three hours a week. I get strange looks of people in the office when I start going through my techniques. I also share a flat with my sensei so quite often get a little extra training.
  11. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Our classes are 1 1/2 hours long, but on Wednesdays and Mondays there's an extra hour on the end for seniors/adults to train without juniors/kids around. I do three classes a week, plus the two extra hours. I used to do all eight available classes a week but then I started work.
  12. waya

    waya Valued Member

    Does this count walking through the store going over techniques at 3am? If so I am constantly training in one way or another. But I do set aside at least 4 hours of every day to train, classtime included.

  13. mmafiter

    mmafiter New Member

    Our kickboxing class is 1 hour 3X a week, our BJJ class is 2 hours 3X a week, and then I strength train 2X a week, Cardio/Anaerobic work 3X a week. The sometimes some of my students will call me up and ask me to train BJJ or Kickboxing on our days off.

    Basically I have no life.:p:D

    If I have a fight coming up, it gets worse.:rolleyes:
  14. Mark

    Mark New Member

    mmafiter, from my view you have a better life than most.
  15. Thomas Vince

    Thomas Vince New Member

    Over he years I have found that I as well as my students get the most out of 1 hour lesson twice per week. This gives you the opportunity to practice a few days and allow your teacher then another chance to fine tune you. Sometimes when we practice only once a week with our teacher we don't get the proper reinforcement necessary to build the right muscle memory.
    I hope that you have a good teacher! And practice, practice, practice.
  16. KarateKid1975

    KarateKid1975 New Member

    Me: "Besides our normal classes, we "make our own" classes. "

    You: "Is that a metaphor for something else?"

    Hey! I donno big words :p LOL Just kidding. No, we basically work on techniques that we need to work on outside of class, because in class, we can't, because the instructor tells us what to do (except for open class). Like if we need to work on forms, but the instructor doesn't have us do them, then we go home and work on them.

    You: "I normally train in class for three hours a week. I get strange looks of people in the office when I start going through my techniques. I also share a flat with my sensei so quite often get a little extra training."

    My boyfriend does that. He works on techniques or stetches at work. He got strange looks at first, but they are used to him now LOL (I donno if that's good or bad LOL). And you are so lucky to get to train with your teacher outside of class. I wish I could so I could "pick his brain", meaning find out what certain moves are for or learning more stuff hehehehehe
  17. Mark

    Mark New Member

    Hey silver_no2, does he make you do pushups if your home past curfew?:D
  18. Silver_no2

    Silver_no2 Avenging Angel

    Don't give him ideas!!!!! That said, it'd probably never happen as I tend to leave him to keep on partying 'til the early hours while I go home and read my bible before saying my prayers and going to bed with a hot chocolate :Angel:

    Might actually start getting him to do that (the push ups, not the bible reading) as an aid to my getting fit regime that I'm going to start any day now :D

    Do you ever get time to work in amongst all this training?!?!? :confused: Are you an amazingly rich person who doesn't need to work anymore?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2002
  19. mmafiter

    mmafiter New Member

    Yes, unfortunately I still have to go to work. Now, sleep! Sometimes that gets put off , but generally I don't do the luxury things most other people do. For example, I don't watch very much t.v.
  20. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    I unfortunately don't train enough. I have spent four months talking and theorising about martial arts and paid the price for it (I was injured). I shall however be making every effort from now until September to train as much as possible. It has been suggested that I go for my purple belt then. 12 weeks isn't long - I will need to put in quite a few more hours to be able to catch up with my new clubs syllabus and get out of the habits that I had developed at my previous dojo of two years. My stamina is shot too.

    I have been doing 2-3 classes (2 hours long) a week but after talking with my Sensei tonight he has offered to provide extra tuition where needed. I expect I will try to do at least one more class a week with him and make sure I train at home. I did it before and I aim to do it again! I will also train at work at lunchtimes as the dojo is at the site of my workplace - which helps :D

    Hmmm - sleep...dictionery, dictionery...Aha! Yes...well...must do a bit more of that too...

    TV is made for Buffy and Angel! Now that it is not on until September I might put it in a wardrobe somewhere....

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