How many styles are too many and what complements eachother)

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by CauliflowerEar, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    I second the MMA recommendation. You'll get good experience combining the arts in an effective way. WRT weapons, depends on what you like. I've only done kobudo and Japanese sword myself, and would recommend those. Anything that offers some sort of sparring and application is probably good. Try out all the weapon instructors in your area and see which suits you. :)
  2. YouKnowWho

    YouKnowWho Valued Member

    How to use

    - strike to set up clinch,
    - clinch to execute throw,
    - throw to follow up with ground game,
    - ground game to finish.

    A simple example can be to use:

    - roundhouse kick to set up hook punch,
    - hook punch to set up under hook,
    - under hook to execute hip throw,
    - hip throw to set up arm bar,
    - arm bar to finish.

    Of course if you can knock/throw your opponent down hard enough, you won't need the rest of your skill. To be able to flow smoothly, you will need good integration work.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  3. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    I know I'm late to the party, but I only stop by for a few sentences from my (still rather short) experience towards that part.

    Roughly two years ago I started Hapkido.

    Half a year later I added (Japanese) Jiu Jitsu. With the knowledge and the okay of my HKD-coach (I thought it disrespectful not to ask). He actually recommended Judo, because lots of the HKD-students have trouble throwing probably, but at that moment there wasn't a fitting club.

    Again 5 months after I started JJ as well, I added Judo once a week (again with the knowledge of the coaches/ teacher of course).
    Mainly to compliment my JJ and to get better. Well, and most important: Because it's fun! Just as the rest :)

    Towards the end of the year I will probably add another one (Ajukate) as well, with the encouragement of my JJ-teacher.
    He likes it, when you not only look into other arts but also different teachers, because everyone has other strengths.
    He also know I wouldn't leave him, so no risk involved ;)

    So far I don't see any big problems that would have me confused. I get along really well apparently.

    But! We had one dude in Hapkido though, who also dipped in JJ and did years of TKD.
    He said, he couldn't do JJ and HKD, because he would get confused with the techniques and how to do them. Straight lines and circular lines in the movement and the such.
    So obviously it's not for everyone.
    So in the end it's about trying, I guess.

    My personal and only problem is, that I will probably be only able to do two of them once a week, because clubs here usually don't train on weekends. The ones I attend aren't private schools, where some (could) it.
    Well, at least I get enough regeneration that way.
  4. CauliflowerEar

    CauliflowerEar New Member

    Thanks for all the help and replies

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