Heian Sandan When Do U Kiai

Discussion in 'Karate' started by shotokanwarrior, Mar 26, 2004.

  1. shotokanwarrior

    shotokanwarrior I am the One

    Hey Shotokanistas - can ya tell me when to kiai when doing Heian Sandan?
    i can't ask my sensei as yesterday was my last training session before the 7th kyu grading.
  2. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    alreet shotokanwarrior
    we kiai on the junzuki after the tetsui strike (directly in front of the starting position) and on the final punch over the right shoulder (when you are in kiba datchi)

    hope that helps :)

    EDIT: and good luck on the grading :)
  3. shotokanwarrior

    shotokanwarrior I am the One

    thanks a lot Gaskell! Osu and may the Force be with you

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