Happy 228th Birthday!

Discussion in 'Celebrations!' started by KickChick, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. Greg-VT

    Greg-VT Peasant

    How did you know?!? Ah well... atleast somebody does :D ;)
  2. Greg-VT

    Greg-VT Peasant

    Yeah... how could I not know ;).

    We never learnt it when I was in school.... maybe not you either... same age. Personally I'm kinda suprised and... shocked. And perhaps a little worried. We should learning Australian and English... Not the US day of indepenance. It's got nothing to do with us. Besides that, the US does a good enough job throwing out the details to the rest of the world by itself, as you meantioned, through film and TV etc. Not nessesary.
  3. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    Sorry to have struck a nerve.... my bad. (I thought everyone saw the movie "Independance Day" with Will Smith at least!) So they have an Australian movie about their Independance Day.... I'll be sure to rent it then ! :D

    I also respect the Candian Independence Day and other countries' Independence or Freedom Days, and on those specific days I wish them well too!

    For everyone, their Independence Day should be a great time ....

    Whether or not you’re American, celebrate whatever independence you can. It’s your greatest right as an individual.
  4. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    i notice that a good few of these days are celebrating independance from us Brits.....
  5. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    Happy 4th July to all celebrating it [​IMG]

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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2004
  6. Shaolin Dragon

    Shaolin Dragon Born again martial artist

    Bah. They're just jealous 'cos they don't have a Union Jack on their flags.

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