Halfway to Korea...

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by Ferran, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. Ferran

    Ferran Valued Member

    The brainstorming in the thread about wrist techniques is being quite a lesson (and I expect a similar one from the thread on current techniques). I dare say we've all, at one moment or other, been guilty of presuming some technique or other was a sure win --if performed well-- after a certain point was reached. Thinking on that, and on the general lack of afterthought when learning techniques, I just decided to post this link:

  2. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    what there doing in that clip, looks like an exercise i teach called 1 step techniques, where you apply a tech, your partner feels the lock coming goes with the flow and turns the lock onto you, where you in turn feel the lock coming go with the flow...ect.

    this hopefully teaches people to feel whats going to happen, anticipate it and then turn it back onto the attacker, using body possition and breakfalls to stop from being locked up.
  3. Ferran

    Ferran Valued Member

    I'd say that he's not "feeling it come", that the lock is well in place when he reacts. I've done the exercise you mention in the past, although I've not been long enough in KSW to know if they use it here [Spain].

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