First Attempt at Meditation

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by Paratus, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Paratus

    Paratus aka Mr. Rue

    Well, like the title says, I've been trying my hand at meditation. Mostly just sitting straight, deep breathing. You know, the classics

    Anyway, I'm just curious to what I'm looking for, if anything. What happened was that my whole body just relaxed; it felt like my body was asleep but I was wide this something I'm looking for?
  2. Syd

    Syd 1/2 Dan in Origami

    Don't look for anything and stand up.

    Best, Syd
  3. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    The feelings during meditation are different for everyone. Most people say it is sort of like when you are in bed, not quite awake, but not really asleep. Kind of that in between state of relaxed, restful, peaceful of mind...
  4. Reiki

    Reiki Ki is everything!

    also dont worry if yr mind wanders, just deal with it and go back to that quiet state..
  5. Reiki

    Reiki Ki is everything!

    I forgot to add that make sure u are comfy before starting..

    there's nothing like sore cramped legs for intruding on meditation!
  6. silentbob3887

    silentbob3887 New Member

    When i try to meditate and get really into it i feel like i fall asleep but i don't dream and don't get that refreshed feeling you get after a good nap.
  7. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Warning: Just my rather inexperienced opinion.

    You don't need to look for anything in particular but just generally stay aware and try not to let your mind wander wherever it feels like. Meditation can be relaxing but its not simply a matter of sitting down and having a rest for 20 odd minutes.

    What meditation method are you practicing Paratus if you dont mind me asking? An exercise I found quite good when meditating is to count each breath the moment before you inhale then when you get to 10 go back to the start again. Your mind tends to wander all over the place but if you lose the count or find yourself daydreaming just bring yourself back gently to an awareness of your breath and start back at 1. Its one of the most common techniques taught when you first start meditating.

    Hope any of that helps...
  8. bigd

    bigd New Member

    when i used to meditate i used to,imagine there was tis lightcoming toward me and it gets larger and larger and larger,and then it goes back it get smaller and smaller sort a like the technique when your counting but just a different way of doing it ,same purpose though
  9. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Hi Bigd, what you just saw was the energy point located in between your eyebrows, also called third eye or upper dantien

    Just take it easy with your meditation, enjoy the path rather than looking for a destination. Things will unfold naturally.
  10. KungFuGrrrl

    KungFuGrrrl Valued Member

    When I work with my class I tell them to get an image in their mind to focus on. one lady picks a waterfall, I pick myself doing forms. another picks the face of Christ.

    When your mind wanders gently bring it back to the image. eventually you will be able to meditate for longer periods of time and no need for an image.
  11. Buddroux

    Buddroux New Member

    yah... i do the same thing. i imagine me doing forms .
  12. Xio

    Xio Controlled Chaos

    Basically you just have to confine your mind. Train it. Stop it wandering. It can be seen this way: Your mind is used to wandering around and thinking about whatever. By thinking about something simple and specific your confineing your mind and restricting it. Keep focus. Once your mind gets used to this kind of training meditation will become more flowing and natural.

  13. pseudo999

    pseudo999 New Member

    Ok, I'm popping into this thread. I'm also a beginner at meditating, so I apologize if I say anything stupid. I do standing wuji practice for taiji, the santi posture from Hsing-I and bagua, and sitting (on a chair) meditation, which I think is from bagua, or maybe Hsing-I... I'm not sure =P

    From Kuk Sool Won, the grandmaster says there are three types of meditation: One for meditating on movements/techniques, like the visualizing people have mentioned, to help you get the movements into your body and mind, or to memorize stuff, or for something else I don't know of. Another one is for mind/awareness/enlightenment, which contains stuff like focusing on breathing / visualizing a light / etc. And the last one is for sensing/gathering/controlling your chi, which is what I do most of the time. All three have similarities, differences, and overlap, but they aim at different purposes, so not all meditation is the same. Meditating a form / movement / technique for years probably won't get you to enlightenment (it might, though), nor will enlightenment assure you of chi control on a martial level. I can see how meditating on certain movements can lead to better chi control, but I found that when I did that type of meditation before I had any chi training, I would be teaching myself movements, but not chi. Again, this is hearsay on my part, so take this with a grain of salt.

    Anyways, since I'm practicing for internal martial arts purposes, I do the last one mentioned most often (calm mind; sense, relax, and align body; sense, move chi, etc.), followed by visualizing stuff, and enlightenment will have to wait :D .
    Last edited: May 10, 2004
  14. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    To pseudo999,

    Just sit down, relaaaaax, relaaaaax and bit more, and don't think too much.
  15. slc

    slc Banned Banned

    The most important thing when you first start is not to get frustrated with yourself if you notice your mind wandering. It will wander, don't worry about it just bring yourself back to your breath...

    It's good to start with your breath. If you have trouble holding concentration without your mind wandering try counting your breaths, in and out.

    i.e. 1 in 2 out 3 in 4 out 5 in 6 out etc. Count to 10 and then start at one again. This is good at the beginning because you may notice yourself after sometime reaching 35, for example...this is pretty normal. Don't worry about it, just start from one again.

    When you can hold this just concentrate on your breath, breath through your nose and feel the air, feel the breathing. You wont need to count anymore after some time.

    Concentrating on the breath is a good place to start because it is something which your mind cannot quite "work out"...eventually your mind will just give up its ramblings :) It also gives you a feeling of connection between inside and outside....and it's something which happens within your body with no consious intervention, usually, but you can consiously get with it.

    After sometime you can just use the breathing to reach a relaxed state and stay there etc.

    Don't look for any feeling. Sometimes you can experience unusual feelings in meditations, don't grasp at them, just experience and let them go.

    There is no objective to meditative practice.

    It should be an enjoyable experience. If you don't feel contented with your practice your mind is still not quiet...just keep trying. With practice you will find it becomes easier and more enjoyable.
  16. madfrank

    madfrank Valued Member

    There are basically only two different practices under the name of meditation.

    One in which you try to empty the mind which is impossible and the other is where you try to hold onto a thought image sound etc.

    Most people westerners and Easterners are under the dillusion meditation is to find peace or stillness.

  17. slc

    slc Banned Banned

    Meditation can occur in any aspect of your life. Walking, reading and other normal daily activities.

    Peace and stillness are two side effects that can occur from the practice.

    The practice of Zazen or any form of meditation practice IS NOT meditation. Meditation is something that can occur through the practice, you cannot make it happen.
    Last edited: May 12, 2004
  18. soggycat

    soggycat Valued Member

    And some individual are under the illusion they know the correct path but not prepared to describe it.
  19. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Stop your winging soggycat :cry:
  20. madfrank

    madfrank Valued Member


    It's a sign of insecurity.

    He should learn to meditate or learn something about Taoism that'd help.:)


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