Favorite Mail Order Catalogs

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by ryangruhn, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. ryangruhn

    ryangruhn Valued Member

    Hey All,
    I was wondering what mail order catalogs you guys get sent to your house. I am looking for some more “office” reading and found that ringside usually does the trick but gets rather old after a while.

    Any Ideas?

  2. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Scotish Lion -- Scotish and Celtic clothing, jewelry, food, gifts
    Creative Irish Gifts -- ditto for Irish and Celtic
    Christian Book Distributor -- exactly what it sounds like
    Harriet Carter -- all sorts of odd, unique, and sometimes even useful things for around the house
    Disney -- yes, as in Disneyland and Mickey Mouse
    American Girls -- my daughter has the Kirsten doll
  3. ryangruhn

    ryangruhn Valued Member

    O Opps,
    I guess I shoud have mentioned martial arts gear as the topic. . . hehe. Like I said I know that RingSide offers a catalog, but I have yet to see any others.

  4. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

    i was subscribed to black belt mag but thats terminated.
  5. tel

    tel absorb what is useful for


    martial arts illustrated is excellent mag,to but stuff to buy blitz are good,but there are laods of trades in ma illustrated

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