Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Dave Humm, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    I'm going to make the assumption you understand most if not all the terminology in this post however if you don't or if you don't understand a particular exercise, please come back to me and I'll elaborate.

    Ukemi - practice at home on a hard floor, do it slowly and carefully, this will build your appreciation for the skill when it's done on a matted surface. There are styles of MA which teach ukemi specifically for application of hard surfaces and it's not a bad appreciation to have.

    mae ukemi - hidari hanmi / migi hanmi
    ushiro ukemi - as above

    On both exercises 'tuck in' as close as possible to create a circular shape

    Tai sabaki - understanding and appreciating your posture whilst both static and moving will greatly improve both your general stability and fluidity

    tenkan - hidari hanmi / migi hanmi
    maeashi irimi tenkan - as above
    ushiroashi irimi tenkan - as above

    Each exercise should be done at a steady fluid pace and not a mechanical repetitive plod. Check your posture to ensure at the conclusion of each movement you have good balance.

    Saburi - the movements made within empty handed aikido are heavily influenced by weapon use thus, being adept with both bokuto and jo will greatly assist your general aikido development

    Shomen - hidari hanmi / migi hanmi
    Yokomen - as above

    If you know any of the kumitachi or kumijo specific to whatever style you study, there's nothing wrong in going over the movements from either uke or tori positions (both if you know them all) Be careful however that what you do by yourself may feel VERY different when you pair up, this is because solo, the only variable is you, when there's someone else, you have to account for them as well.

    Shikko - Being able to move fluidly over the mat whilst still on your knees will add another dimension to your aikido however, like all other skills which place stresses on the joints, this needs to be built up. make sure you've warmed the knee ankles and particularly the toes beforehand.

    Mae and Ushiro shikko
    Tenkan whilst in shikko

    Lastly, research your art and inform yourself about as much of the history and development as you can.


  2. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    I also meant to add that I've based the above on aboslutely no knowledge of your actual ability thus it's been kept to a minimum and simplistic, I can suggest more if this isn't what you were looking for.

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