Don't give up qigong training

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by gerard, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Hi guys, this post is especially dedicated for beginners in the art of internal energy work. According to many Chinese masters feeling "qi" or chi will take at least two years and three years are needed in order to understand the whole thing. Please, don't give up as persistence and practice are a pre-requisite in order to succeed. The following article I found at will enlighten the beginner of this magnificent art:

    Enjoy the path and don't worry about the destination.

  2. shinguards

    shinguards Valued Member

    no offence meant, but this could be taken as a money making scheme for the instructor

    it takes about 2-3years to feel chi...(all the while, the instructor is collecting monies)...after 2-3years if the student says that they can't feel it (should this situation occur), the instructor could say keep practicing (all the while collecting monies)

  3. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Shinguards, sorry but my post was intended to show the beginner that qigong/negong work and neijia in general, take a long time to master. And mastery includes circulating qi along the main meridians, emptying the mind and living according to Tao. Long time is not enough, you also need to be disciplined, intelligent and observe the adequate sexual behaviour.

    It doesn't mean that you need to resort to a qualified master or instructor, but their help will accelerate your training. However for certain advanced forms, the help of a Master is a MUST.

    On the other side, I've learned alone by reading various good books; however I made some mistakes and as I result I have suffered some physical ailments that have been corrected with the help of a master I know through the Net. Free of charge of course. Still I make some mistakes like rushing or not circulating qi adequately.

    This is not a game, so my best advice for beginners is always learn uner supervision.

    Ti fang, dang xin, zhu yi, Gerard.
  4. squarepusher13z

    squarepusher13z New Member

    thanx, that artice actually did help a lot, ive been practicing tai-chi for liek 7 months now, and its nice to know my chi-kung isnt a totoal waste of time, though i must say that i can already feel chi ... sometimes though not whenever i want to etc... and it feels liek i stuck a fork in a toaster. Thanx again

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