Donnie Yen, Shaolin Temple, and Don Hyun Kiolbassa

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by dkiolbas, May 2, 2010.

  1. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member


    Here are a series of videos of me working with Donnie Yen and living at the Shaolin Temple. If you support the messages I am promoting please share the videos I hope you like them!

    Video 1

    Video 2

    Video 3
    [ame=""]K-Star: Donnie Yen (IP Man) seeks apprentice - YouTube[/ame]

  2. Nojon

    Nojon Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein

    Cool video if you put mute on. lol..:)
  3. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member

    @ Nojon, LOL I am sorry you did not like the music, but I hope that the message was more valuable. I appreciate your feedback!
  4. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Sorry. Looks like nothing but Wu Shu. The so-called monks are just Wu Shu performers.

    I did like the colorful displays
  5. Nojon

    Nojon Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein

    I really like CMA, I don't practice them anymore, but I do appreciate them. Especially for the athletic ability, and flexibility, makes me think.."Was I ever that good"?...the answer is no lol.
  6. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    I think starting out at a young age helps in Wu Shu Acrobatics
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  7. Nojon

    Nojon Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein

    I have to add.. I dont know alot about Donny Yen, but I was also turned off by the sport coat- no shirt thing in the start as well, but thats just me.

    If I remember his mother is a famous Tai-chi teacher?
  8. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member

    @47MartialMan I really appreciate your constructive critique. Maybe you can post a video of yourself to show us real martial arts. BTW please watch all 3 videos, there is a message I am trying to show! Basically addressing your comment LOL!

    @Nojon Donnie Yen is a big star in Kung Fu Cinema some of his current stuff departs from traditional roots. He still exposes CMA to millions in his movies.

    Thanks for the feedback guys!
  9. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    No offense. But that is so theatrical. Even as far as the words Kung Fu on the floor. Shaolin is so commercialized it isn't nothing but a "show". I am glad you had a chance to meet Donnie Yen.
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  10. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    See where youre coming from. However this seems to be a reality comp for a new stunt "star" and the Chinese shows aren't known to be "subtle".
  11. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    She's a famous modern Wu Shu teacher,teaches TC/PK/HI too,how non modern those teachings are I don't know. I've personally never heard of any fisticuffs rep belonging to any of her TC/PK/HI students.

    In fact,as late as 2000,I'd never heard anything about any of her students from those systems.

    I think Mark,Bow-sim was the first modern Wu Shu teacher in the US,or at least the first w/official blessings from the PRC.

    (Of course it was all a Commie plot to attempt to get the US to make their MA practices and physical structure as non-applicable as modern Wu Shu!)
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  12. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member

    @ 47MartialMan. Thank you it was a pleasure meeting Donnie Yen, but two things. First, you have a point Shaolin may have become very commercialized, but watch video "2." The monks subsidize (i.e. pay for) the food and clothing of all those orphans (there are tens of thousands of them, abandoned by their parents). Second, I lived with the monks for months, and I watched those guys break sharp metal chopsticks on their throats. I can't do that, but I have trained for most of my life.

    @Mushroom I agree.

    @El Medico I agree.
  13. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    I agree that it has become a big business and sense of liiving value for many poor people, esp the youth around there. I applaud this.

    However, just to train and do WuShu and some acrobatics, along with a shaven head, robes, and special shoes, doesnt make one a true Shaolin monk which Shaolin was built to study the Ch'en-Ch'an order of Buddhism.

    I watched the videos. They are dumbfounded representations of martial arts and people claiming to learn, teach and practice Shaolin Chuan Fa. These claims are far from the truth.

    Also, about the demos that these people do or perform are parlor tricks. The same that magicians have done or can repeat. There was a 6 part special on the BBC called Shaolin Physics which explain all of these tricks via science and noting they are nothing special.

    Now grant it, just like magicians, the body has to be conditioned on the manner such a trick is to be performed.

    I want to make it perfectly clear, I used to buy into the Shaolin hype. Until I started to research more and talk with others.

    The hardest thing for anyone to do is give up a misguidance.

    Think of it like a child who is told or realises there isnt a Santa Claus.

    However, there may have been a actual one (SC), but the history surrounding the actual one is vague and moreso different than the imagination.

    No offense
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
  14. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member

    @47Martial Man, I appreciate that two martial artists can have a respectful disagreement. I understand and respect your position, but from my personal experiences I must disagree. The purpose of these videos was to promote the messages (i.e. selflessness and unity), and not to judge whose martial arts is more legitimate.

    Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate your time. Jiayo!
  15. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Kudos! Nicely posted :cool:
  16. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    dk-thanks for not taking umbrage at my kidding.

    I should clarify for our dear readers who don't know that Mark is Yen's mom.(Ah,I remember when he was just a little tyke,and pix of Mom stretching him out...)

    Incidentally, I can break arrows (target points) on my throat.Really.It's no big deal,'s a trick.Like chopsticks.

    You can look it up.Along w/a lot of other "astounding" feats one can learn.
  17. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member

    @ El Medico, Buenas desde Chicago. No worries, I generally do not get offended by on-line posts. I believe that it is easier to destroy than to build, and posting videos generally opens myself up to public scrutiny. Furthermore, I don't take criticism serious unless a person is willing to post a video of themselves practicing.

    As for your abilities to break things on your throat... It sounds very impressive, and you must train very hard. However, you missed the first part of my point, which constituted the majority portion of the messages in the videos (i.e. the positive things the Shaolin Temple provides). If you notice I did not display any video of any "astonishing" feat.

    Either way, thank you for your opinion, and I appreciate your thoughts.

  18. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    Arrow against my throat's not impressive-that's my point.Such things are tricks.

    I do realize how ridiculously hard you guys have to train to perform modern Wu Shu.

    As to people having to post vids to have criticism taken seriously----
    an individual's ability is a moot point -I could surely criticize a poor style of playing at second base-but I assure you if I tried to turn a double play at the keystone these days it'd be pretty pitiful.

    So my observation/criticism would be invalidated 'cause it's been decades since I laced up a pair of spikes?


    Nice chatting w/you-later,man.
  19. dkiolbas

    dkiolbas Valued Member

    @El Medico I see your point as far as posting videos (well taken). However, three things. First, I am not saying that a person who does not post videos is not capable of critcizing. I am just saying that I don't take the criticism too serious unless I see that the other person trains hard and is not just a "fly by night."

    Second, I do think that your opinion is subjective as far as breaking things on your neck. When I do a butterfly twist, I find it relatively easy, but many people find it tough.

    Third, I feel that again we are digressing from the point of my video, and that is to convey positive messages and brotherhood via martial arts.

    Thank you again for your feedback, I definitely had to meditate on your thoughts. Jiayo!

  20. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Thanks for posting the videos. Thanks for maintaining a polite comportment. :cool:

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