Do we have a duty to be "politically aware"?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Happy Feet Cotton Tail, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. Bruce W Sims

    Bruce W Sims Banned Banned

    Okay, Folks; I just heard a "classic"

    I was the Doctors office and FOX News was playing in the waiting room.----

    Need I say more----

    Anyhow there was a Republican Senator from Michigan who is the head of some Intelligence or Security Committee and he is going on about how the Chinese ---damn them----were using their Tele-communications Companies doing Business in the US to take information about American citizens and those citizens calling and purchasing patterns and send it back to the PRC----the dirty yellow bastards!!!

    It took the Chinese themselves to respond that this was a Politically Driven report----ya think?---and that they were culling consumer information just like everybody else in the World does----no kidding.

    So Mr. Republican Senator is going on about how Big Corporations are storing-up Consumer information---but he is only going after the Chinese. What about the US, UK, France, Germany and the Japanese? What; Like they DON'T do it?? I bet my government has a better handle on my spending patterns that I do!! But now FOX News has the Soap Opera crowd shaking their fists every time the drive by a Chinese Restaurant and all the Conservative Talk Shows have grist for their mills.

    This is what I am talking about.

    Best Wishes,

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  2. jorvik

    jorvik Valued Member

    Genetically modified foods that you are not told about, because they are not labelled,so you don't have a choice whether you eat them or not. Watch the video. They have also caused cancers in rats and other nasty diseases....whether that's true or not it would still be nice to be able to make your own mind up
  3. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

  4. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

    So wait - is it true or are you just spouting speculation here?

    Personally I am not a fan of them, but I think we missed the boat on this one, the way that nature can cross pollinate then there are likely strains everywhere already.

    But, there are choices as many foods are labelled GM free (whether that's true or not is another story :)

    You seem worried about a lot of things.
  5. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Could you be any more short sighted? Try to see past the immediate issue. When a bank or any company for that matter fails, people lose their jobs. In the UK we have a welfare system that tries to take care of people who have lost their jobs. So on that level the tax payer pays.

    The UK government also underwrites the deposits in the bank so that people like you and me don't lose absolutely everything when a bank goes bust. So the tax payer pays a second time.

    So if Northern Rock and HBOS had been allowed to fail we'd be paying the welfare bills of something like a further 30,000+ people. Many of whom would have had mortgages they would no longer be able to pay without a job. Leaving the state to pick up the tab again. Either by paying their mortgage for them or by having to provide social housing.

    Letting any substantial business fail is bad. In the case of a bank however it gets even worse. Because when people see banks failing one after the other they all withdraw their money. Basically it starts a run on the bank. Which is what we saw with Northern Rock until the government stepped in. It's also what we've seen happen in Spain.
  6. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

    I'm fine with bailing out the banks, providing they pay back the government every penny, with interest.
  7. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    Not actually true. Savings accounts aren't segregated, they're effectively pooled together by the bank and used to make money through lending, exposing the account holders to all sorts of risks behind the scenes. The safety net is that the bank has to take the hit before the depositors are affected. If a bank goes bust, there won't be a load of segregated savings money sitting anywhere, it will likely already have been used several times over.

    The £85,000 limit then kicks in. Incidentally, this limit is not a government fund paid by taxpayers, it's a financial services initiative which is funded by industry levies. As such, if the compensation scheme has to pay out massively, all other firms have to cough up - clearly not a fair situation and clearly something which could easily trigger a domino effect leading to a cascade of failing banks.

    All in all, not a good result for anyone.

    Someone putting £200,000 with a bank isn't trying to make an investment. They're trying to stick with the safest (in volatility terms) asset class. They shouldn't have to worry about the possibility of losing £115,000 because of a government determined to stick with pure capitalism at all cost.

    Own-currency cash isn't an investment, in my view.

    Doctors don't create anything either. They just use something someone else made to make sick people better. Creation isn't the ultimate measure of worth.

    Without banks you'd have to hold all of your physical cash somewhere safe and would need to carry huge amounts of that physical wealth when making substantial purchases. You wouldn't have debit or credit cards, as they all operate through clearing houses.

    Banks have a woeful track record for customer service and they generally offer atrocious financial advice, but their function as deposit takers, lenders and transaction facilitators make them necessary for modern society to even function.
  8. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    I suspect this is entirely wishful thinking, largely because the government seemed fairly inept at negotiating terms for the bailouts and the subsequent sales even when they held literally all the cards!
  9. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    You have been eating genetically modified food your entire life.
    The only way you have a choice not to eat them is if you go and cultivate or harvest your own fruit, grains and food animals directly from the wild.
    If you eat almost any modern day fruit, cereal and/or food animal then they are genetically modified versions of their wild ancestors.
    It's only lately that we've had the ability to directly change genes rather than the roundabout way of selective breeding but genetically engineered they most certainly are.
  10. jorvik

    jorvik Valued Member

    5 years on and more people are more confused than ever. People cannot understand how the same politicians can insist it is essential to keep ‘helping’ the banks with ever larger sums (trillion is the new billion) regardless of what debt it incurs, while with equal fervor insisting it is absolutely imperative that we cut spending on anything other than the banks – because we are in debt. And so with their certainties chained to our legs, we are sinking in to a mire of suffocating confusion, lies and fraud.

    Sometimes in a world of increasing confusion it is good to ask simple questions. Why are we bailing out the banks?

    But wait, as the saying goes, there is more. In America there is about $1.6 trillion in printed dollars and deposits for which currency backing exists. That is state printed, state backed money. This is the stuff that you and I get paid in and have in our bank account. However there is another $5.4 trillion in unbacked ‘money substitutes’ and somewhere around $53 Trillion in credit. For credit read debt backed assets and derivatives of all sorts. These are the forms of ‘money’, electronic, banking money in which the wealthy have most of their wealth. These are also what would be wiped out if the banks were not continually bailed out but were to be wound down instead.

    This is what frightens them and what has dictated that the banks be bailed out. Unlike us in the 80%, the financial class hold most of their wealth in financial and ‘paper’ debt-backed form. If the present crop of huge banks were to be wound up, what would virtually disappear would be that thunder cloud of debt/credit-held, derivative wealth.

  11. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

    Is that the Royal 'Us'? I'm no Eighty Percenter..
  12. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

    Well, in the US they did pay back a decent amount (more specifically certain institutions did, some did not at all).

    And yes, wishful thinking but something that I would like changed firmly in the future, we should not have privatized profits and socialized losses.
  13. Sandninjer

    Sandninjer Valued Member

    Has anyone seen the movie "The Skulls"? There's an actual group called the Skulls & Bones which many presidents and major political leaders in the U.S. have been tied to. Secret societies like that are actually not as uncommon as some people may think. In fact, "The Skulls" is based on the actual Skulls & Bones society at Cornell University's main campus in NYC.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  14. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    That's not really a fair comparison. GM foods have been tampered with to include genes for producing their own pesticides for example. I can't really see that happening by cross pollinating two types of corn. That requires a whole new level of modification. Adding genes that would literally never naturally be there no matter how much cross pollination takes place.
  15. mattt

    mattt Valued Member


    But that's nothing. Have you seen the show the X Files? Did you know there is a real place called Area 51.

  16. Sandninjer

    Sandninjer Valued Member

    Yes, Yale, thanks for the correction. Area 51 and Skulls and Bones are two entirely different concepts. Theres a lot of information that can be proven and some presidents and political leaders have even admitted being associated in some types of secret societies without specifically mentioning them by name. I can get references if you really want to take it there. It's a pretty well known fact that a lot of leaders on a global scale are in cahoots with each other to keep them at the top of the food chain, so then why wouldn't leaders at a domestic level be doing the same?
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  17. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

    Of course they are, everyone is in cahoots, that is how the world works. It starts at preschool and goes on from there, it is not unique to the US.

    This is no different from networking and nepotism that occurs at many levels, such as in a MBA program, just not a sinister sounding as it doesn't have a Jolly Roger involved.

    However, this thread is turning into Conspiracy Theory central rather than political awareness...

    There are better things to be concerned about.
  18. Sandninjer

    Sandninjer Valued Member

    Heh, what you consider "conspiracy theory" is actually politics. I'm not saying I'm endorsing all conspiracy theories, but try not to spread your lack of understanding of the way the world spins based on your own opinions.
  19. mattt

    mattt Valued Member

    What part of 'of course they are, it starts in preschool..' alludes to me not beliving in this nepotism? In NYC people pay 5-6 figure bribes to get into the top schools for preschoolers, that have fees of 40k a year, so they break into these cliques.

    I don't think that this is a conspiracy theory, I think that the 'ooh these guys are all in secret societies and there is an all seeing eye on the dollar bill' goes a bit far.

    People get so carried away with this that it becomes their sole interpretation of political awareness... And there really are things we should be watching more than this (because you will not be able to change this)
  20. jorvik

    jorvik Valued Member

    It is very hard not to believe in a conspiracy theory when you look at the facts. The politicians of Europe and America seem to be interchangeable with the employees of Goldman Sachs and J.P.Morgan. Obama's chief fundraiser Jon Corzine does not get arrested when his company goes bust and it's segregated accounts are raided to pay off other banks.
    Even look at the death of weapons inspector Dr.Kelly why wasn't his autopsey made public, why was osama's death so mysterious, no body??
    .......................if the powers that be didn't want to encourage talk of conspiracy theories then they should have made these things public......on the other hand maybe we expect this type of behaviour from those we elect in which case it isn't conspiracy theory just everyday practice, business as usual:(

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