Destroy My Workout!

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by sean, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. sean

    sean THOR!

    I've been posting my simple knowledge about others workouts, but havn't left my own out to be cut to pieces by those far better in the know. Here it goes:

    (Sets x Reps)

    Chest/Upper Torso/Arms

    Dumbell Press - 3 x 6 (There is not a bench rack seeing as the gym bought a Smith Machine instead...)

    Over Head Press - 3 x 6 *alternating each workout between dumbell press and overhead press*

    Parallel Bar Dips - 3 x 6 (Body Weight)

    Chin Ups - 3 x 6 (Palms forward & varying grip each set)

    Lower Torso/Back/Abdominals -

    Weighted Knee Raises - 3 x 6 (Using a medicine ball held between feet)

    Static Sit-Up - 10 seconds held x 10 seconds relax (repeeat as many as possible)

    Barbell Good Mornings - 3 x 6

    Legs / Lower Back -

    Barbell Squat - 3 x 6 (Would use a Bar Squat.. but Mr Smith Machine replaced the squat rack)

    Dead Lift - 3 x 6


    I Work the Legs on Sunday, and the rest of my body on Wednesday. Every so often I look to change the workout to keep my body in check.

    Im open too all criticism. Shred it if you must!
  2. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    Looks pretty good.

    Although I'd add some dumbell rows or similar. To balance out the chest exercises. Also some chinups!

    And stop having a leg day, avoid body part days. More effective not doing dealift and squats on the same day.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2006
  3. ItalianStallion

    ItalianStallion Valued Member

    Looks good, but I would probably change the sets/reps, probably something like 5x5 or 6x4
  4. sean

    sean THOR!

    *Pointers noted*

    Cheers dude. I never really considered not using body part days, just automatically worked like that because I thought it would benefit recovery time.

    What would you suggest? Mixing it up, say:

    Sunday -

    Bench, Chins, Squat, Abs

    Wednesday -

    Rows, Pull ups, deadlift, Abs
  5. I did the same as you :p Then I tried full body workouts and they're actually really good. :)
  6. sean

    sean THOR!

    Would full body, twice a week, not employ overkill?
  7. TheMachine

    TheMachine Valued Member

    Definitely not. Provided the workouts are evenly spaced and properly planned. I actually think this is one of the best and probably the most practical ways to train

  8. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Exchange chins for dips and your set.
  9. Skrom

    Skrom Banned Banned

    i'm doing full body workouts 4 times a week right now. definitely not overkill as long as you vary the lifts and rep ranges.
  10. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Full body 4 times a week is alot. I wouldnt do that. You cant increase the poundages if your still recovering from your last workout.
  11. sean

    sean THOR!

    Full body it is!

    Could be such a better workout if the gym wasn't run my morons and bought a squat rack!

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