Complete and Utter Rubbish

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by kensei1984, May 16, 2009.

  1. DDale

    DDale Valued Member

    OMG that is truly terrible. With as little time as I have for Aiki these days I still think its terribly disrespectful of Aikido for those people to post up this rubbish.
  2. DDale

    DDale Valued Member

    If that's true surely all Aikidoka should be told at the end of their first lesson "now go to a boxing gym for six months and come back when you're ready" :D
  3. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Now that's just bloody stupid

    How can you grab someones wrist while wearing boxing gloves! :D
  4. DDale

    DDale Valued Member

    Well irimi, kaiten and tenshi should all still work with boxing gloves on :D
  5. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    NOPE. They should get thumped around the head and dug in the ribs and be told THAT is atemi.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  6. DDale

    DDale Valued Member

    Oh I really wish! In the last year before I quit Aikido entirely I tried to get people in my club to do full contact boxing vs aikido randori with me but none of them were up for it.

    I asked no end of reasonable guys to let me teach them the basics of boxing so they could learn how to throw some combos that we could all then try working our aikido with. But NOBODY was interested. It's a crying shame IMHO.
  7. john.burn

    john.burn Valued Member

    It's a shame that no one would let you explore this really... I had some boxers come and watch a lesson who said it looked like we were dancing... One of them also said that he did Jujutsu but it looked nothing like what we were doing on the mat.

    I asked him what style of Jujutsu he studied and he looked back quite blankly so I said, well, jujutsu is a generic term so what school, family or style do you practice? More blank looks, lol.

    So, he then asked what would I do from a boxers punch or combination, I said in all fairness I've never really explored what I would do but as he felt like we're dancing together then perhaps he'd like to step on the mat and try it out... I said it in a nice way, lol. Not in a, I'll test my aikido against your boxing way! He declined the offer and they left. Damn!
  8. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Hi John

    The guy in the coloured photo with me was an amateur boxer before he started aikido

    Just thought I would say

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