Comp prep.

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by liero, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Try this exercise.

    Attached Files:

  2. liero

    liero Valued Member

    Gave that a go, felt a lot of tension ease up! THANKS!
    Did a few of the other activities that I found on the above links.

    Also got an MRI on the knee, have to go back for the hip tomorrow, so I will know what is happening probably by Tuesday next week when I can see the Dr.

    Also have been playing with diet. Here's my ideal plan at the moment (I don't eat enough food). Obstacles are nights out with the girlfriend.

    - Meal preps are 5000 kj per day total (4x200g)
    One chicken, one red meat, one salmon or barramundi, one tuna 100g each.
    Then 100g of a carb (rice, brown rice, sweet potato or pasta)
    - 3 x Banana 1000 kj approx
    - 30mL olive or coconut oil/butter 1000kj approx
    - 1 cup of each smashed in a blender:
    250ml tomato juice 170 kj
    1cup kale 170 kj
    1cup spinach 170kj
    total = 510kj
    - Chobani Yoghurt = 600kj
    - 1 heaped tablespoon peanut butter 700kj + 1 slice of bread 400kj
    - 1x Yakult probiotic 200kj
    9410Kj = Surplus = Being able to keep increasing these major lifts

    Work and Normal Days (6 days per week)
    7am/Wake: Probiotic and Smoothie (5 serves of veg for day!)
    7am-8am: 1st meal (home): Meal prep 1 w/15mL olive oil
    9am: Coffee (arrive at work) Banana
    11-12: pre-workout/1st lunch: Meal prep 2
    1pm: post-workout/2nd lunch: Meal prep 3
    3.30-5: PB on toast (lots of PB)
    6-8: Meal prep 4 w/15mL olive oil, banana
    Before bed: Yoghurt, banana

    1 day per week (yet to decide, probably a Monday) CHEAT DAY
    Whatever I want. In the realm of McDonalds for Breakfast, Fried chicken for lunch, Pizza for dinner (I'm a pig)
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  3. liero

    liero Valued Member

    Is this from your ever awaited book?
  4. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Ha! :D No mate, that's from Kelly Starrett's 'Supple Leopard.' To answer your earlier questions about if it's worth buying... eh. There's some spectacular exercises, lots of good/OK ones (effectiveness depends on your issues, really), but his spiel about "stretching is dead" is a bit grating. He says in the intro that relaxed stretching is useless, but then gives instructions later on to "hang out at the point of resistance"... which is exactly what relaxed stretching is lol.

    My book will get released at some point. It's not a priority for me right now. But when it is done, it will be free. I'm tired of the public being charged small fortunes for information that just doesn't work.
  5. liero

    liero Valued Member

    Week ending 22nd May
    Gym: Hip mobility with bands (based on above research) 30 minutes.
    Squat: 67.5kg, 5x5.
    Overhead press: 35kg. 5x5
    Stretch and "Destruction". Isometric holds with bands (stretching and lunge hold)
    30 minutes working with TKD student. Focussed on daedo counterattacks:
    Coming over the cut, under the cut, moving the opponent and spinning on them, avoid and guard without kicking, avoid and counter attack, free play using these. 6x5 minute rounds total.
    Cool down stretch.
    Warm up (rotations, light mobility exercises, see the theme here?).
    30 minute run, with ab exercises every 2-3 minutes.
    Note: Used a heart rate monitor and tried to keep my HR between 120-150 (as per recommendations in 'cardio proportions' thread). This was surprisingly hard, my heart rate did not require much activity to get in this range compared to what I could output. I'm supposing this means I am not very cardiovascularly fit (which I aready knew).
    Deadlift day!
    I had a bit of trouble squatting the weight on Tuesday, which is surprising because I have hit a much higher 5RM before. I figured because it's been a while since I've put my body under too much serious load I was not prepared mentally or physically. I decided to max out on deadlift today to see where my raw strength is at. My estimate of my 1RM for DL was 140kg.
    Warmup: 5 minutes on bike, Static: "frog stretch with bands", squat hold, crucifix stretch, knee to chest on ground, knee to chest standing, side lunge, clam, lying single leg raise, band supporting other leg. Dynamic: Glute bridge (2x10 reps), good morning with dowel (holding against head, top of back, glutes), Box jumps (2sx4r), 10kg kettlebell swing (1x10r).
    Using 140 as my weight:
    1s 5r at 50% = 70kg (2 minute rest)
    1s 3r at 60% = 84kg (did 85, 3 minute rest)
    1s 2r at 70% = 98kg (did 100, 3 minute rest)
    1s 1r at 80% = 112kg (did 112.5kg, 5 minute rest)
    1x1 at 95% = 133kg (did 130kg, 5 minute rest)
    1x1 at 100% = 140kg, could not complete (grip main factor, and couldn't drive off the floor.
    Had a 5 minute rest, did 130kg x1 again.
    Spoke to S&C coach to watch form, did 130kg x 1 again.
    Amongst other feedback he suggested using chalk and straps and going higher. Given the time since doing the DL I'm happy with 130 x 1 x 3 for the day.
    "cool down"
    1x20 each side, dumbell row (20kg). 1x6 pull up, 1x4 pullup.
    "destruction" mobility mentioned by vz, light stretch
    2nd session
    Took the TKD class, did not participate bar a light sparring activity for 10 minutes at the end (did not have my tkd training gear, and sweated up a storm trying to train in my work clothes!).
    Went for a swim after work which was overcrowded to the point of wanting to drown someone. Swam about 500m in 15 minutes and got out. I felt pretty tired, and it was affecting my emotions. So I went straight home, ate all my meals and then went to sleep about 9pm, I woke up at 8.30 today. I'd imagine this is the CNS fatigue from the DL maxes the day before because I was smoked!
    Went to the park and ran one student through some hill work.
    Didn't do much more than demonstrate some drills, it was a challenging workout for him.
    Mobility warmup, dynamic warmup (stepups, lunges, leg raises)
    Squat: 70kg 5x5 (Felt better than earlier in the week)
    Bench: 55kg 5x5
    Pull ups: 6,5
    Ab workout
    Swim 20-30 minutes
    Work set: interval training in pool, w/ medicine ball above head, swimming on the spot to keep head above water 15 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 3 minute break. 3 sets.
  6. liero

    liero Valued Member

    Few things:
    How many days to do the elastic band work?
    Diet is consistent.
    Alcohol: Had drinks with the housemates on Tuesday as one is moving out. They each bought a bottle of expensive fine whiskey and we all had a drink out of each. Tough to be moderate, maybe 10 std. drinks. Had about 4 standard drinks on Wednesday. Still want to keep alcohol consumption at a moderate level once per week.
    Swimming: Couldn't hit the pool on Wednesday, so I ran instead. With tomorrow's swim I'll have done 3/3 cardio sessions this week.

    Deadlift plan:
    One day per week. Will do as this week, between two squat/bench workouts.
    1RM = 130kg
    Week 1: 5x5x70% 1RM
    Week 2: 5x3x75% 1RM
    Week 3: 5x1x80% 1RM
    Week 4: Accessory exercises, no DL
    Week 5: 5x5x75% 1RM
    Week 6: 5x3x80% 1RM
    Week 7: 5x1x85% 1RM
    Week 8: Accessory Exercises, no DL
    Week 9: 4x5x75% 1RM
    Week 10: 4x3x85% 1RM
    Week 11: 4x1x90% 1RM
    Week 12: Accessory exercises, no DL
    Week 13: 3x5x85%
    Week 14: 3x3x90%
    Week 15: 3x1x95%
    Week 16: No deadlifting. No lower back work
    Week 17: Re-test max. Expecting a substantial gain.
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
  7. liero

    liero Valued Member

    Interesting session with the Sports Medicine Physician today.

    Hip: I have an FAI impingement (thanks MRI). Likely on both sides:
    "in laymen’s terms: “FAI is a condition of too much friction in the hip joint. Basically, the ball (femoral head) and socket (acetabulum) rub abnormally creating damage to the hip joint. The damage can occur to the articular cartilage (smooth white surface of the ball or socket) or the labral cartilage (soft tissue bumper of the socket).” (no labral tear on mine)

    Knee: tendinitis in the knee, and a mild tear, not to any ligaments. Can put the scientific info up later.

    Main recommendations: Extended rest from TKD (to prevent further issues), avoid activities which cause pain (he said low squats, though they don't really cause to many issues), Go see physio and get exercises, in 6 weeks or so go get a CT scan informed injection to assist recovery, if no improvement then consider surgery to remove the impingement.

    Not keen on surgery at this stage. There is a lot of conservative treatment I feel will be appropriate. We will see what happens after 2-3 months of no explosive leg action on the hip.

    I did some research on what does/doesn't help:

    FAI is a condition, not a disease. But here’s some food for thought.
    1. Rule numero uno is to nix squatting. You’re not going to last long as a strength coach or personal trainer if you’re throwing caution to the wind and squatting those who are candidates for FAI.
    I will say, though, that I say that with a grain of salt because technically you could still squat someone – albeit NOT BELOW 90 DEGREES OF HIP FLEXION...honestly my rule of thumb is to wait six months before playing with fire...The good news is that you can still hit the lower body fairly hard. Things like rack pulls, trap bar deadlifts, or even conventional deadlifts would be fair game given that neither require significant hip flexion. In addition barbell glute bridges would be a viable option as well..single leg work is fair game. Even things like Bulgarian split squats – as counterintuitive as it sounds given they require deep hip flexion – would be okay.
    Should I still be doing my squat program? Do I need to change it up for a unilateral program?
    "In some cases, this may mean attacking diaphragm position to restore a more optimal zone of apposition (something I’ll discuss more in the future); in other cases it may require using specific exercises to help restore a more neutral position and orientation of the pelvis; and in others it may simply require strategic soft-tissue work and help restore balance in stiffness across the hips and allow for balanced movement. In most cases, however, a combination of these techniques is warranted."
    "There are definitely ways to train around the FAI, with the research I have done you can treat it like anterior femoral glide syndrome, focus on strengthening the glutes but no deadlifts/cleans from the floor and no squats beyond 90 degree flexion." (one post)
    If you give these athletes a counterbalance out in front of their body, though, their squat patterns “clean up” very quickly. As such, in combination with other mobility/stability drills, I like to include drills to work on the actual squat technique both during their warm-ups and as one of the last exercises in a day’s strength training program. Goblet squats and TRX overhead squats are two of my favorites:
    Here are the Cliff notes:
    Foot – Train to maintain a short foot position
    Ankle – Mobilize it
    Knee – Keep it over the toe when squatting
    Hips – Strengthen and stretch the hip external
    Lumbar Spine – Learn to move from the hips and keep the spine flat during squats
    Thoracic Spine – Mobilize it into extension and strengthen it so it doesn’t flex (round) during squats
    Shoulders – Mobilize them and train the shoulder to stay retracted and externally rotated

    For later:|
  8. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Hehe... distraction, mate. :D

    Unlike stretching (where you reach the day's neurological limit in one application), there really is no upper limit for mobility work. The absolute minimum should be 10-15 minutes a day, ideally selecting 3-4 exercises that target your problem areas and doing them for at least 2 minutes each. For example, since my last hip replacement in November, my hamstrings are a mess. Each morning is therefore spent sorting out just my posterior chain, with other joints/muscle groups the focus of my evening work. Bottom line: Do it as much as you can within the time you've got, until it starts to feel bad.

    That diagnosis doesn't surprise me brother - hip impingement is one of the most common issues I treat with my martial arts and dance clients.

    My advice: Lay off loaded movements that involve hip hinging, and combine your physio's exercises along with other mobilisations that pull the top head of the femur into a better position within the socket (e.g. hip flexor stretches with a posterior banded distraction). I'll drop you a PM this week with some of my favourite impingement exercises.

    As for squatting, avoid it until your hip issue(s) is resolved. Once your knee tendinitis is cleared up, maybe consider Hindu squats because they strengthen the knee's connective tissues without the excessive hip flexion & external rotation associated with regular squats (which aggravates FAI).

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