Can't sleep

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Hapuka, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    What do you do when you have insomnia? :bang:
  2. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    I usually read until I fall asleep on the book.
  3. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    Here in canada we can get prescribed marijuana for that. Works better then anything I've tried. Some people have issues with smoking it, and thats fine. But IMO nothing works better for me, and I have tried a lot of compounds.
  4. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    How bad is it? Every night, once/thrice a week? Falling asleep problem or staying asleep problem?

    Me, the doctor prescribed AmbienCR.

    It works pretty good. I fly a lot for work, thru several time zones, so my sleep patterns are pretty messed up. I take one the first few nights in a new country (if I know that I can get at least 8 hours off) and after that, I'm usually fine.

    Years ago, I tried everything from meditation to kava kava. I was living on 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night, and once every 2 or 3 months, I would go 3 or 4 days with out sleeping at all. I do not recommend this. Don't know what happen, but after 15 years of this, it seemed to have vanished over night and I was able to sleep thru the night again.

    Until I took this job.

    Talk to your doctor, see what he/she says.
  5. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    Its on and off usually like once or twice a month type thing. Mainly when there is a full moon I have trouble sleeping (I am not werewolf! At least I think I'm not...)
  6. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Won't it be linked to your depression? If the light of the moon wakes you up try getting a sleep mask.
  7. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    or blackout curtains .... they help me a lot.
  8. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    If its light orientated, try melatonin supplementation.
  9. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Try going for that run you keep asking about. It will tire you out more than sitting in front of MAP all day so you will sleep better!
  10. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Reading works well for me too, turn off the computer, tv, radio or whatever else might tempt you out of bed and tuck into an interesting book. Turn off the lights and read by a side light, that way when you're ready to slepp you can easily turn it off without getting out of bed.
  11. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    BTW, I dribbled on your book. Sorry mate.

    Only kidding!
  12. Gajah Silat

    Gajah Silat Ayo berantam!

    I have had similar experiences, but the most I would go would be 2 days with no sleep.

    As a lifelong insomniac I can offer a few suggestions...

    Don't drink any caffeine in the evening
    Do drink chamomile tea or a drink with hot milk(stimulates melatonin).
    Put a few drops of lavender oil in the bath and on yer pillow.
    Relaxing music at a lowish volume or try a relaxation hypnosis CD.
    I found melatonin tablets help but be careful if you are on medication!

    If you can't sleep, and your mind is racing, trying to sleep wont help. Better to get up and read or something....distract your mind.
  13. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Im agreeing with Anth!

    Tire yourself out from exercise and try not to stay on the computer late ,too much stimulation mentally wont help you wind down.
  14. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    Yeah, exercise seems to be the deciding factor. I've noticed that my friends who arent very physical tend to be self proclaimed "insomniacs".

    Where as, I'll do heavy squats and be out like a light.
  15. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    I agree.I had about 3 months off training last year and I found myself not sleeping well at all, as I was doing no exercise due to an injury.Felt rotten! Also had 3 weeks off recently again due to injury and found myself not sleeping again.Im back to that head on the pillow fast asleep stage now!

    Hapuka- a good diet (which you should know about by now) plus exercise,(again which you should know about now) should help you!
  16. Zuarko

    Zuarko Valued Member

    Some extra training and a book work fine, I sometimes have that problem too and it's the best way to go to bed. You could try some binaural sounds, some people find them so useful.

    Also try meditation, cause it seems that the more you want to be awake to meditate, the more sleepy you feel ;) (I hate that ironic body behavior) And if you don't fall asleep at least you'll be meditating! Looks a good idea, doesn't it? :D
  17. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    reading a good book gets my eyes heavy after a while....
  18. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Depression can cause quite bad insomnia. While I was struggling with the blues, I would go days without sleep. Its mostly due to not doing anything during the day. Sitting around watching tv will keep you up all night.

    I got some dizapine from the pharmacy that sorted me right out. Took it 7 days to fix my sleeping patterns (which can be a bitch to fix without meds) and made sure I was busy during the day. I ran, went to the boxing gym and lifted weights.

    There are a few things you can do that will help you sleep better.

    1. Light. Light is the biggest cause for insomnia. If your eyes are being stimulated by light, then your brain doesnt know that its night time and time to sleep. A night mask sorted me right out. Takes a few nights to get used to it, but there is NOTHING better than sleeping in pitch black. Also make sure you arent getting any strong light before bed. TV, computer etc should be avoided 30mins+ before hitting the sack.

    2. Sound. Almost as bad as light. Get some ear plugs if its a big problem. Again, they are uncomfrotable for the first few days, but my god is laying in silence great.

    3. Caffeine. A big no no before bed. I used to always drink tea while I was reading before sleep. While it never stopped me going to sleep, it affected my REM which made me feel like crap the next morning.

    4. A set time is important for sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day sets your bodys clock. Your body will do all the work when you are going to sleep, and you will start getting ready to wake up long before your alarm goes off. You feel more refreshed and energised the whole day.

    5. Exercise. If you aren't getting enough activity in the day, you wont be able to sleep.

    6. Clean your sheets often. A nice smelling bed will get the sand man calling much quicker. I feel so damn relaxed laying back, in pitch black, in absolute silence and smelling my clean sheets.

    7. Get laid more. Releases all sorts of chemicals to help you sleep. Best cure for insomnia ever.

    If you still cant sleep after all that, go see a doctor. You may have a sleeping disorder.

    There is NOTHING better for your health, than getting 8 uninterupted hrs of sleep a night. NOTHING makes you feel better, more relaxed, happier, more alert, more intelligent, more charming, more at peace. The best 8 weeks of my life were when I was getting perfect sleep. Then I became a chef :p. I'm slowly working my way back to it, because its seriously better than sex.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2007
  19. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Great post mate.

    Aside from all this, GABA is a great supplement for sleep if used correctly. It's banned in the UK and some other places (not sure where) because it is easily converted to GHB, a common date rape drug. Apparently there's nothing like it non-prescription for sleep, plus it's a natural neuro-transmitter.
  20. doc97

    doc97 Valued Member

    Agreed, very good post Naughty! A typical person usually has horrible sleep hygiene, including having an alarm clock next to your bed. Nothing worse that not being able to sleep and watching a clock rub that fact in your face. Caffiene should not be taken after around 4pm given it's pretty long biological half live. Also no strenuous activity before bed as it may tire you out, but the exercise can energize your brain so you can't sleep. Over the counter melatonin in some studies has shown beneficial, however it has to be taken consistently before it has shown to be beneficial. Some meditation or even listening to some soft music prior to going to sleep can also help. One thing also that is recommened is you can't fall asleep, don't lie there in bed watching the clock tick by, get up out of your room and do something mindless, like again listen to some music, read an article or a book (but nothing to thought provocing) even watch some mindless TV. Something to get out of the room and change the enviroment, then go back to bed. Meds such as somonex or tylenol PM contain the antihistamine diphenhydramine (benadryl) in it which can also temporarily help.

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