Calf Strengthening Conditioning Program

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by BigRed389, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member

    While running, I've noticed that the one thing in particular that holds me back is calf endurance. The calves do a LOT of work the way I run, as it cushions the initial impact then kicks back the leg to drive me forward, making it work extended and flexed(I forget the exact terms...). After enough time, it feels like the muscles in my lower leg just swell up, and constrict the blood vessels, at least that's what I think is happening. The end result is that after enough time, the lower leg goes damn numb.

    I know we've got some fitness gurus here so I ask you, what's a good program to isolate and train the lower leg in particular?

    I've tried doing calf raises with 40 pounds of weight. I even walk around doing calf raises(aka the sprinter's walk).

    Does this seem more like a strength/power or endurance issue?

    I'm really confused, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. Pitfighter

    Pitfighter Valued Member

    It's a conditioning issue. Your calves can't keep up with the rest of your legs. I'd say stretch you calves out a lot and warm them up before you run. Cool or a wet towel after you run. Keep doing calf raises when your not running. I'd say 3 set of 10 reps of whatever's comfortable, weight heavy enough to exercise your calves but not so heavy that it will burnout your calves when you run.
  3. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

    make sure to get enough protien and stretch!

    do you have good running shoes?

    have you tried kettlebells (research forum)? i like my kettlebell because it trains my calves (have to hold a martial art type neutral stance while working out, similiar to wing chun)... even when i'm training my upper body.

    bike riding, roller blading would help if you could mix things up. bike riding and rollerblading might help build those muscles, reduce boredom and reduce stress caused by jogging.

    i'm fat, so take others' advice first.
  4. Cyrax

    Cyrax Forever Student

    Do lots of calve raisers...and run on your toes
  5. Stan O'Kella

    Stan O'Kella Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

    Some of the symptoms you describe sound like shin splints, are you landing on the heel or your toes when you run?
  6. Skipping is a great way to work endurance in your calves :)
  7. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member

    I land on my toes...or at least try to.

    I used to run on my heels, and THAT led to a whole slew of problems in the past. I'm still sort of trying to find the happy middle ground between running completely on my toes and completely on my heels.
  8. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member

    Hmm that actually sounds like a damn good idea...the motion my foot undergoes for both is pretty similar. I don't have a rope but I figure I can try it without one...although I'll look like an idiot.
  9. Stan O'Kella

    Stan O'Kella Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

    If your feeling a tightness in your lower legs when you run it might be shin splints like i said, it can be caused by sports that involve landing on the toes, like that martial arts malarkey.

    May be worth seeing a physio about it to see if it is the problem, the things you describe sounds less like pure endurance issues to me. Have you considered changing training shoes or getting extra cushining in to redude the impact or trying some other low impact forms of cardio.
  10. Trick Nasty

    Trick Nasty space monkey

    When your around the house walk everywhere on your tip toes.
  11. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member

    The problem is, I'm training for a 1.5 mile running I kinda have to run.

    It's not a major problem by any means. Just a training hindrance for's extremely annoying when you can keep running but you have to stop just because the calves are getting tight.
  12. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    Endurance runners don't run on their toes. They "roll" on their heel and kind of kick off with their toes. Just go to a running forum and ask them what they do. They are likely more experienced than most people here.
  13. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member

    1.5 miles is not an endurance event. ;)

    Those guys do 3+ miles.
  14. wazzabi

    wazzabi sushi eater

    that sounds like shin splints man. u should get it checked out. if ur lower leg feels numb & feels like circulation's being cut, then it's time to let the doc have a look at it.
  15. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

    when i first read this i was thinking about my shins killing me from walking on sidewalks on campus to much
  16. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member

    I used to have that happen too. Let me happens when you're in a hurry and have to walk fast? if that happens try to walk more on your toes instead of on your heels...that's one of the changes I've made.

    As for results...I'm going to say that I now believe that the cause was a conditioning issue. It mostly tightens up in the rear of the lower leg, the calf muscle specifically, rather than any sort of general "stress" in the bone area. I'm hitting calf raises with 40 lbs worth of weight to help, and I'm going to keep the mileages low, intensity high.
  17. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

    i also think its due to smaller shoes (the bottoms are smaller then the width of my feet, stupid addidas hates fat people)... but i'll try walking on my toes more:)

    usually when late to class haha
  18. BigRed389

    BigRed389 Valued Member're late, you're in a hurry and rushing, your taking quicker steps, tightening up the leg muscles, your heels are slamming into the pavement, and BAM welcome to shin pain country.
  19. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Arnie used to work his calfs by doing sprinters walks combined with calf raises.
  20. Stan O'Kella

    Stan O'Kella Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

    He also cut the bottoms off his pants but I'm sure of the benefits of this technique except for your local trouser retailer.

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