Buddhism and jkd

Discussion in 'Jeet Kune Do' started by fallout, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. fallout

    fallout New Member

    hi, I was looking at the tao of jeet kune do and I noticed that it includes the 8 fold path, I was just wondering if anyone knew how much Bruce Lee was influenced by the ideas of Buddhism and if any of this is apparant in his philosophy and JKD itself?
  2. Nukite

    Nukite New Member

    Bruce Majored in philosophy in Seattle his influence is krisnamutri better go to the source in seattle where JKD had evolved to a philosophy that is form less form and without structure. Buddhism was the "raft" that was kong kong years but seattle and chinatown years it evolved to JKD.
  3. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    He made notes on many things. Tao of JKD is a selection of those notes - nothing more.
  4. LS

    LS Full Metal Jacket.

    buddhism and JKD parallel each other. Just gotta find the common threads. The only thing about the tao of jkd is tht it's often misunderstood, mainly because the organization is a little haphazard
  5. Nukite

    Nukite New Member

    The organization is supposedly haphazard because the "spider gram" that link the info is only know to Bruce and how it relates to the whole theme of the topic or thread. It,s is misunderstood because one own "spider gram" or links are one own and bruce "evolves and absord what is useful and rejects what is useless". A point in time and not the final result but a tool to "test out un-organized themes to see the threads and common principles behind the seemingly uncommon thread. A Genius making the inconprehensible , comprehensible and simple.

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