Bruce Lee chewing Cannabis.

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Ragnarok2005, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Tell that to the millions of people drinking weed tea everyday. You cant extract pure THC with water (such as the oil), but you can extract the liquid, which contains THC.
  2. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!


    Sniffer dogs used outside clubs are making the drug situation worse instead of better. Kids that would normally take an e or 2, now take GHB (growth hormone) which has simular affects. It cannot be detected by dogs as it is odourless. It is a few billion times more dangerous, and is very addictive. Instead of overheating (like with e) and being looked after by the paramedics at the rave, they are lapsing into comas.
  3. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What in the gods name are you talking about?
    What people? Nobody is drinking weed tea which was made by cooking plant material in the water. THC is not water soluble under any circumstances. This is chemistry 101.
    It is somewhat soluble in alcohol and very much so in fat. You can take weed and put it into boiling milk, but not into water.
    If you are such a hardhead, why don’t you try out for yourself? Put weed into boiling water and boil it for 2 straight days. And then come back and tell us what happened.
    God some people think they know everything…
  4. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You sound like a 7 year old kid. Few billion times more dangerous....
    Check and educate yourself a little bit more.
    Seems to me you think everyone should have MDMA for breakfast.
  5. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    You don't really give the impression of constructing a grown up argument yourself, starting with an insult, moving onto picking at irrelevant details, referrring to somebody elses opinion and then a ridiculous and deliberate redefinition of NNs view point.

    All drugs prescribed or illicit have their good points and bad points. If they were all bad people wouldn't take them.

    Few people go through life without indulging in some recreational drugs (and I include alcohol in that group). Most of them don't suffer long term harm. Some drugs are much more harmful than others.

    Much of the information put out by the media tries to imply that all illicit drugs are evil and dangerous. This is nonsense, people know it's nonsense, so as a result they disregard what the media tells them and get the advice from whoever is selling the drugs.

    If drugs education is going to be effective it needs to approach the subject in an objective way educating the public about the good and bad things associated with the drug, allowing them to make an informed decision themselves.

    Patronising sweeping statements are quite transparent and if they have any effect at all, it will be to increase illicit drug use.

    Back in the 80s "The kids from grange hill" (TV series aimed at adolescents based around a secondary school), released a single "just say no" in the same kind of patronising manner. The first time I heard it it irritated me so much it made me want to be a heroin addict.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2006
  6. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    I'm pretty sure you're right, the only illicit tea that I've ever come across is "mushy tea". I know some people who have used cannabis daily for more than twenty years, in every possible shape and form. I've never heard mention of cannabis tea.
  7. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe that's because i wasn't trying to build one.

    You are right about media giving false info about drugs. But i don't know who is ****ing me off more - media or the people who say drugs are safe.
  8. TraditionalTKD

    TraditionalTKD New Member

    THC and alcohol are both fat soluble. Your brain cells are essentially fat. With time, marijuana and alcohol both produce detrimental effects to the proper functioning of neurons because they damage brain cells. However, you have to ingest a lot of either over a long time for that to happen. You brain has so many neurons that the occasional puff or drink is not going to produce long term damage.
    Having said that, as long as Bruce wasn't letting chewing cannabis interfere with his training, what he ingested on his own time was up to him. Besides, when you have Presidents and public figures smoking pot and taking Oxicontin (Rush Limbaugh's drug), you really shouldn't be surprised. It is the celebrities who openly come out against all drugs (Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent) I'm suspicious of.
  9. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    My best mate od on GHB. I know quite a few people that got rushed into hospital suffereing from an overdose on GHB. A good friend of mine is till hooked to it, uses it every day to recover from bodybuilding.

    I posted erowid a few pages back.
  10. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    I dont remember saying that you just boil the weed in water. You could, but it wont be as strong.

    Game, set and match.

    Think you might want to take chemistry 101 again ;).
  11. Guizzy

    Guizzy with Arnaud and Eustache

    Well, technically, you're both right.

    The article does admit THC is only very slightly soluble in water, and suggest adding alchool, oil, milk, spices (ummmmmm; maryjane Chai...).
  12. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Game set match??

    You said: You can’t extract pure THC with water (such as the oil), but you can extract the liquid, which contains THC.

    Which is utter rubbish, sorry.

    THC is, I repeat, IS NOT soluble in water. The thing is that THC crystals which you find on the plant material are easily going to be mixed with water, and when you drink the "tea" you get mild effects. That doesn't change the fact that THC is not soluble in water.

    Don't worry mate, i can teach you chemistry, that’s what I do in college ;)
  13. Legless_Marine

    Legless_Marine Banned Banned

    .. Which emphasises the importance of teaching children to think critically - That is, the ability to evaluate the information presented to them for themselves, instead of simply adopting the positions of competing authorities.
  14. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Nah, getting high off weed aint my cup of tea. ;)
  15. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    Did you see the TV programme about them a few months ago, where they tracked down the kids (now adults) who made the single?

    Back when it was a hit, they were invited to the USA by Nancy Reagan to spread the word over there, and one of the kids admitted to smoking a few spliffs while staying in the White House. Not in front of Nancy and Ronnie, I assume.
  16. jroe52

    jroe52 Valued Member

    you can't use "just water", do your research... fat and alcohol only!

    the way they made the water teas, at least for example in tibet, is to mix butter or fat into the tea, which then extracts it into the water.

    water alone, at roaring temps for 7 years, would not extract the thc lol. again.. research...

    I am sick of pro and anti marijuana arguments that are based on fear or made up facts hehe. honestly there is a middle road which includes choice, self-regulation and better use (vaporize instead of smoke 0.o)
  17. Well since we've got a drugs thread going here... I wanna ask: What do you think of steroids?

    I don't mean, pump yourself and end like a WWF wrestler. I know a boxer who did it just occasionally. His muscles developed faster, he became quicker and he gained a lot from it. Your opinions?
  18. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Seems sound to me.
    It's cheating. I'm not going to enter into any discussion of the health pros/cons, because I don't think it's any of my business what people do with their bodies. But it's still cheating.
  19. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don’t think its cheating because you are slowly killing yourself.
    Decision to do steroids is not a small one.
    Personally I’d stay away from them, cons outweigh pros by large in my opinion.
  20. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Just like any drug, they can be used responsibly. However, I think about 0.0001% of people knows what they need to know before even thinking about taking them. 1 screw up will lead you a fat, infertile gyno titted muppet.

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