Body fat %

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Intan86, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. Intan86

    Intan86 Valued Member

    How to count body fat %? I'm sure you guys can help me with that. I don't know my weight in pounds or lbs but I know in kgs. So, pls show me how to ok?

    Terima kasih! (that's thank you in Malay language) :D
  2. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rather inaccurate way is to get simple electronic scale which reads bf%; range of error can be few %, but at least you can monitor your relative progress.
  3. |MT|omar

    |MT|omar Thai Boxer

    first off, pounds=lbs

    secondly, what's your weight in kilo's coz it's easy to convert to lbs and how tall are you. that might make it a lot easier for people to give you an accurate answer
  4. Intan86

    Intan86 Valued Member

    Okay, pounds=lbs. I didn't know that. :D

    I'm 70 kgs and 1.63m. I know I'm overweight so how much is my bf%? Must be high. I don't have anything that can calculate my bf% so I'm counting on you guys to help me.

    Terima kasih!
  5. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    Let's not bring out the writing/typing police for something this insignificant when someone is asking for help. I mean, then we'd have to start bring out the punctuation police. ;)

    Intan, your best bet is to seek out a gym that will do body compositions. Your results will be a lot more accurate than trying with height and weight.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2005
  6. |MT|omar

    |MT|omar Thai Boxer

    well 70kg = 155.556 lb
    (sorry for some reason i was thinkin of the BMI when i asked for your weight)

    here's a website i found that seems to work out, you'll need a tape measure though

    It's pretty self explanatory, give that a shot
  7. |MT|omar

    |MT|omar Thai Boxer

    Sorry i didn't mean it in that way, i was simply tryin to say that lb and pound is the same thing
  8. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    Sometimes what we mean and what we say come across differently on the net...just the nature of the beast. :)
  9. |MT|omar

    |MT|omar Thai Boxer

    ^ Yeah exactly
  10. Intan86

    Intan86 Valued Member

    I've tried it and it says that I have 39% of bf. Ideal weight is 115 pounds ermm how many kilos is that? :D I don't know if that's accurate or not but I just got an idea I'm going to use the tape measure as a tool to evaluate my progress-to measure my waistline.

    Terima kasih!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2005
  11. JokerFMJ

    JokerFMJ Valued Member

    115lbs is about 52KG's.
  12. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    1 Kilo is approximately 2.2 Pounds, so to convert to pounds just multiply your Weight by 2.2, or to find your ideal weight in Kilos divide by 2.2.
  13. redsandpalm

    redsandpalm shut your beautiful face

    115 lbs = 52.16312 kg

    As for bodyfat - I prefer tests like the 'wobble' test, the 'pinch an inch' test or the more comprehensive 'mirror' test. I also like the 'vascularity' test.

    Of course you can always PM me your progress pics and I'll do my best to gauge it for you ;)

    ...just kidding by the way!
  14. Intan86

    Intan86 Valued Member

    What's 'vascularity' test? Never heard of that one before. :confused:

    Maybe I would put my pics at the Photos section. Right from the beginning, progress to end result pics. That would be nice, huh? Hmm.. I wonder what will MAPers comments be? Not too harsh I hope. :D
  15. redsandpalm

    redsandpalm shut your beautiful face

    'Vascularity' is used by bodybuilders etc. to express how visible your blood carrying vessels (arteries in this case) are. I've included examples of a lady who's looking very vascular, and one who isn't (OK I just wanted to post pics of chicks :D ). I was basically just kidding - what I was trying to say is, you should be able to see if you're happy with your bodyfat % or not. You don't necessarily need to know the exact numbers.

    You don't have to upload your progress pics, but it's not a bad idea to take them. I never did really and I'm kind of sorry I didn't. I guess you never know which time you're actually going to succeed?

    Anyways, good luck with it - lemme know how you get on. :)

    Attached Files:

  16. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    What would you estimate those girls fat % at?
  17. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    The really ripped one has to be close to 5% I would say. I would say the other girl is about 9ish.
  18. redsandpalm

    redsandpalm shut your beautiful face

    I would say the first one couldn't be much more than 6 or 7% BF, and the second one is probably somewhere around the 14/15% mark.

    I find it a little hard to say, because women will generally hold that bit more BF than a man who looks the same leaness.

    Edit: whoops, ad got there first - and gave a different answer so now we must duel :D .

    How the hell did I take 7 minutes to write that reply??
  19. JokerFMJ

    JokerFMJ Valued Member

    Did you fall asleep an not notice? I do that while driving sometimes.
  20. redsandpalm

    redsandpalm shut your beautiful face

    He he he. Nah I think I just had to study that second one really closely and thoroughly before making my guess :D .

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