BK Frantzis?

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by bob01, May 7, 2004.

  1. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    I am actually really interested in taking one of BKF's seminars. Have you been to one, Bagua?
  2. BaGuaMaster X

    BaGuaMaster X New Member

    I have indeed although it was a more informal affair. My instructor is a friend of his and i've met up with Bruce and taken classes from him but never been to one of his official seminars. I presume they are at a similar level to his classes and if this is the case i would really encourage you to go!

    KRONOS Valued Member

    My teachers said he came to Beijing and went to all the schools and asked to fight the teachers (in China it's called breaking the school down, because you have to first beat all the students). They can't speak for his real skills but they said he has a lot of balls for a white man. They also mention though that he's a huge guy at like 6'-4" and thought that might have a little to do with it.
  4. cybermonk

    cybermonk New Member

    Empty force?

    edit: full article here: http://www.taichichuan.co.uk/information/articles/the_water_margin.html

    This man can do it!!:
    "Issue 8 contained a rebuttal from Shen, and featured three photographs (shades of levitating TM-ers!) showing an adult male falling to the floor and rolling out of a room, propelled by the waving hands of Shen. It also published a letter from Brewer, challenging Docherty and Morton to put their money where their pens were, inviting them to attend the next seminar, and promising to refund their tuition fees if they did not become convinced of Shens special powers."

    No wait...he cant:

    "Docherty and Morton duly attended. On the first day, before the seminar commenced, Docherty brandished his [pounds]300 and stated that he was happy to pay, but wished first to have a demonstration of the powers. He told Shen, both in Mandarin Chinese and in English (to avoid any confusion), what he was about to do. He slowly approached Shen, gave him time to summon/prepare/deploy his special powers, and proceeded to pour a liter of water over him. Needless to say, Docherty did not collapse and roll out on the room, the water did not take detour around Dr. Shen's head, nor did it spontaneously leap into the jug. Thereupon Docherty and Morton left the seminar."
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2004
  5. Sandy

    Sandy Valued Member

    I plan to attend one of his UK seminars later in the year. Having read one of his books, I'm very curious!

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