Best method/art for relaxation and inner peace?

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by Future, Mar 24, 2004.

  1. Future

    Future New Member

    Ive been told by many people these days that yoga is the king of selfrealization, relaxation, and inner peace. But i know alot of people have had success with tai chi and meditation.

    Whats your guys take on this topic?

    p.s i know tai chi and yoga are considered moving meditation techniques as well.

    isn't there also qigong or something which is basically considered chinesse yoga?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2004
  2. Hugh

    Hugh New Member

    I can't speak for yoga, having never tried it (although I can squeeze myself into the lotus position :)).

    Tai chi incorporates qigong, or chi gung, techniques within the form, so although qigong is an aspect of tai chi, they are not one and the same.

    As far as I know, Qigong predates most martial arts by centuries and, I think, emerged from Yogic practices, but I can't guarantee that. Qigong is basically a set of meditative exercises which help to increase the circulation of chi and strengthen the internal organs.

    In tai chi we are taught separate qigong techinques and standing meditation which are both great ways to relax. I suppose given their simliar roots, that tai chi and yoga aren't really that far separated from each other, although tai chi is obviously a martial art and yoga isn't.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2004
  3. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    In terms of self realization, there are a lot of paths. Yoga, qigong, tai chi, etc are all physical paths that allow you to work through emotional and physical blocks, allowing for relaxation, free energy flow, peace of mind, and good health.

    The realization of the self seems to be a little harder to attain. You can approach it from the qigong/tai chi path using both taoist and buddhist versions of higher level qigong meditation. Yoga has the same idea behind it, beginning with the development of the body, then working on freeing the mind.

    You also can approach it from the mind, and work your way through the body second, as in many buddhist paths of meditation.

    No matter what, you eventually have to begin some form of internal meditation, and it is best to have a teacher at this point.
  4. Future

    Future New Member

    self realization is more of a bonus... what i am really looking for is just to be able to relax and have inner peace. I don't like being worried, stressed out all the time, and easily angered. Both yoga and tai chi are available for classes by either martial arts clubs or through my local governments park and rec program
  5. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    In that case, it boils down to personal preference. I personally prefer tai chi, but yoga has just as many benefits. You should try both, and see what you like better.

    One caution; some yogas will not relax you, nor will they give you any peace at all. Make sure the one you are doing is calm and gentle-- otherwise, you will find that you won't get what you are looking for.
  6. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Try the following:

    1. Zhan Zhuang (standing like a tree) Qigong in the early morning followed by a set of moving Qigong excercises, Taiji or Bagua.

    Check this out:

    2. Quiet meditation at night before you go to bed. Sit on a wooden chair or low stool that allow you to keep your legs at right angles with the floor. This will help you to relax mentally and will develop your spirituality.

    This is a sample you can practice:

    However I urge to not to learn from this post. Please purchase a good book about Qigong and find a sifu (master) or someone really knowledegeable.

    Hao yun (good luck), Gerard.
  7. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Yoga is usually performed while standing/sitting still, while tai chi and (advanced) qigong are moving. Also, while you can separate the physical from the spiritual/philosophical side of yoga, you can't do that for tai chi/qigong.

    The idea of the latter arts is to develop your body at it's own pace and you'll find a lot of people who are into tai chi for self development and in it for the long term will not be so happy with strenuous qigongs/yoga. The aim of tai chi is to achieve Wu Wei. The aim of yoga is to stretch the muscles.

    Not that I have anything against yoga, it's all down to personal preference and you can get physical exercise and good meditative technique from both.
  8. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Sorry my friend, but you are wrong here.

    Yoga doesn't follow the same meditational paths as quiet Qigong, i.e. xiao zhou tian (small heavenly orbit or microcosmic orbit) meditation. When you work in this area you are unblocking the connection between you mind/body-spirit-Dao. At more advanced levels we have macrocosmic orbit, later on the golden elixir, the opening of the third eye chakra (upper dan tien), and finally the ultimate goal: enlightenment, Dharma.

    For me there is a clear separation between the physical aspect: working with Qi and the spiritual: using Yi and Qi to transform Shen.

    Regards, Gerard.
  9. totality

    totality New Member

    i'd have to say grappling is by far the best art for relaxation and inner peace. i like to chew gum while i roll sometimes, too.
  10. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you drop the gum at the wrong time

    granted. I didn't say you can't do spiritual yoga, it's just that chi cultivation is an essential part of any tai chi. You can do yoga for general health and flexibility then choose to go into the spiritual side. That's why you don't get many people sticking with tai chi if they just drift in casually for a while.
  11. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Nzric, the practices I just referred to are part of Qigong.

  12. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Cool. I just saw you use the word "chakras" and I thought you were talking about kundalini.

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