Best Martial Art for those with balance issues...Judo perhaps

Discussion in 'Disabled Martial Artists' started by M51AB, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. M51AB

    M51AB New Member

    For those who haven't read my DMA intro:

    I have fool hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy on the right side of my body. In english this means the right side of my body is FUBR, but the left is fine.

    I studied Tae Kwon Do on and off for a few years after high school, but stopped shortly before testing for my red belt, because I felt I wasn't getting much out of it due to the bad balance on my right side.

    I can't bare weight for more than a split second on the right side, so when I kicked I always did so with my right foot and when I punched, I always did so with my left arm. Needless to say my moves in sparring were very predictable and I was worried this would limit my abilities if I REALLY had to defend myself.

    I've been thinking of taking up Judo, because just looking at the style, it seems like something I could do easier with my balance. It's also appealing because it appears to teach how to fall properly; which is very important because I do so occasionally in real life and would prefer to keep my steak for broken bones caused by a fall to zero.

    I fell a lot in Tae Kwon Do and would prefer to study a Martial Art where that doesn't happen as much. After a fall, I'm guessing it takes a minimum of 10 seconds for me to get up. In a real fight scenario this would make me toast.

    Is Judo right for me?:dunno:
  2. SB1970

    SB1970 Valued Member

    firstly well done for getting on with doing what you want instead of not trying what you want to try!
    Secondly i think you've got to find a teacher(in any art) that is able and willing to teach you with your balance issues.I belive the disabled section of MAP is very good they might be able to give you pointers.
    good luck in your search!
  3. sue1

    sue1 Valued Member

    Hi, I study TKD and although I have serious balance issues (due to a disability affecting my left side) it is generally more a case of almost falling and spending a lot of effort on not falling rather than actually ending up on the floor (although this has happened occasionally). I have never tried Judo BUT when we have done grappling or take downs in class I find them very, very difficult. The problem I find is that you are trying to unbalance your opponent and if you haven't got a good balanced stance it is almost impossible to get them off balance and get them to the ground whilst staying upright yourself (I only ever manage it because the person I am partnering usually makes it easier for me but that would not be any good outside of class). Often with our takedowns the opponent is not trying to fight back but it is still hard; with an opponent who is trying to put you down at the same time I wouldn't be able to stay on my feet. Good luck in finding something that is right for you - and the right instructor.
  4. BentMonk

    BentMonk Valued Member

    Functional Adaptation

    M51 - Greetings. Welcome to the board. I am of the opinion that nearly any art can be adapted for someone with a disability...if they have the right instructor. Is the weight bearing issue something that could be helped through strength and balance training, or is it a permanent situation? Is your right leg your biggest vulnerability? By that I your other limbs do what you tell them? lol

    I have balance issues with my CP as well. As Sue said it is very hard for someone with an unstable base to effectively execute a take down or throw. All of my techniques are punches, knees, elbows, and take downs. I have a great deal of difficulty taking someone with training to the ground and landing in an effective position. I am currently working with a friend who studies BJJ. We're working on me pulling my opponent to the ground and landing in side control. Due to hip flexibility issues I cannot pull guard. Based on your OP I'd say a MMA school with a knowledgeable and creative instructor may be your best bet. That way hopefully you can use a unique combination of techniques that will work specifically for you. I'd be happy to offer some training suggestions if you want to give me a more complete picture of your current ability level. HTH :hat:
  5. scrappydoo

    scrappydoo New Member

    interesting my names mitch ive studied judo taekwondo and karate and now training in kung fu. I ended up in a wheelchair through a genetic illness known as andersens tawail syndrome or ATS in english that means my body losses postassium and this causes my muscles to become weakened and affects my heart.

    would love to chat about your experiences in martial arts...

    email is:-
  6. Dan Bian

    Dan Bian Neither Dan, nor Brian

    Hi M51AB:
    I would say that Judo may not be the best thing for you at this point. As has already been commented, you will spend a lot of time throwing and being thrown - and if you have poor balance, you will find that you will be on the receiving end of a lot more techniques during randori, whilst you may have trouble applying your own throws, because you may not be able to make full use of leverage.

    Shameless Plug:
    I'd actually recommend taking taijiquan (tai chi) for a while. Especially if you can find a decent martial school local to you.
    It gently strengthens the body in relation to the demands it puts on you, and has often be stated to be good for improving balance.

    hope this helps.
  7. cheesypeas

    cheesypeas Moved on

    TaiJiQuan has been proven to dramatically increase balance for all. Beginners usually concentrate on forms and QiGong before delving into the more overtly Martial aspects.

    If there is a school(s) nearby, I would recommend you "try before you buy".

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you find something soon.
  8. sho'nuff

    sho'nuff Valued Member

    peace bro. god bless you for living life like you want and not letting your condition get the best of you. now as far as a style, since your issue is with balance and im assuming cordination i would try southern styles of kung fu. one reason is because you learn deep rooted stances that sinks your chi and make you have the balance like a tree. if i had to pick one kung fu style that fits the description i would say find a hung gar school bro

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