Archery based routine

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by TheCount, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    I got thinking, and thought what would I prescribe if I were going to do gym work based around archery. So this is what I came up with hopefully catering for the main issues facing an archer: Strength and endurance in a competition despite conditions ie. being able to deal with physical exhaustion.
    Any coments/queries?

    DAY 1 - Strength
    Warmup: 5 - 10 minute light cardio
    Light stretches

    Deadlift 6x4/10x3
    Bench Press 6x4/10x3
    Shoulder Press 6x4/10x3
    Chins/Rows 6x4/10x3 - Emphasis on pulling shoulderblades in
    Side Bends 4x4
    Weighted Situps 5x5
    Shrugs 3x4

    Gentle cardio 4 minutes
    Light to deep stretching

    DAY 2 - Conditioning/Power
    Warmup: 10 minute light cardio building intensity every 2 minutes.
    Light stretches/dynamic

    Squats 1x20
    Cable Crossovers: 1x6, 8, 10, 12 build up to 8,10, 12 ,14
    Russian Twists: 4x10
    One Hand Cable Rows: 1x10, 12, 14, 16, 18
    HIIT Cardio 10 minutes (Running Crosstrainer or Rowing)

    Stretchy band drills for a minute or two
    V. Light cardio, swinging arms
    Deep stretching

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