540 turning kicks

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by TKD, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. TKD

    TKD New Member

    As most probably know, there are 2 variations of a 540 turning kick. One (1) starts with the kicking leg behind, then launches forward and upward into your chamber spinning you your 540 degrees then you kick the target with the chambered leg. The other (2) starts like a 360 turning kick, the only differences being that you throw the non-kicking leg high enough to get you horizontal to the ground and then kick over your body landing on the kicking leg.

    Now, here's the question. Which do you find easier to do? There are 7 people in my gym who can do this, myself and 3 others can do both and the remaining three can only do variation 1. To me number 2 is easier, but some people can't seem to do it. So I was just curious to see which one most people find easiest.

  2. Kalifallen

    Kalifallen looking for partner

    Took me awhile to visualize what you are saying, but I agree 2 is easier. It reminds me of a back flip with a kick.

    Now, 1, I'd say is harder because you have to stay in the air a lot longer. You jump into the air doing a full rotate and a half while completing a lovely back kick in the end. Now, I can see someone doing a 180 degrees back kick with little to no problem compared to a 540. Still if you can do it that's some height. I sadly can't do the 540 but I can do the 180. Not enough height.

    Oh, and congrats on being able to do both. You must of put a lot of practice into it.
  3. Disciple

    Disciple New Member

    I can imagine variation 2, which seem to be a jump spinng back hook kick, except you get your hook kick leg as the back leg instead of landing with it in front.

    The first one.. I have a hard time viusalizing. Are you kicking with a round house kick? like you spin 540 degrees and attack with a roundhous kick and it lands in front?
  4. Sun Hwang

    Sun Hwang Train to eat,Eat to train

    I was taught to do it the second way so I think that is easier. I tried it the first way and can see how it could be done but I'd just have to practice for me to see which one I like best. I'll try 1 and get back to you after I feel like I've got it down and able to fairly compare the two.
  5. Yang Dae-han

    Yang Dae-han Realising the 'edit'

    Number 2 is easier, but number one is better....in that, it leads to the 720. The 720 is not hard if you've got a good centre of balance, as well as have good flexibility (hook kick while staying somewhat upright).


  6. TKD

    TKD New Member

    Disciple, you have the kicking leg behind you to start off with, you then throw that leg around like you would for just a normal turning kick except don't kick, keep it chambered and spin an extra 360 degrees before kicking the target and landing. When you first throw the leg around though it has to go up and around as you push off with the foot still on the ground. You can just dead jump off of both feet 540 then kick but that's hella hard.

    Yang, both can lead to a 720, with number 2 you complete the kick just like it is stated above but instead of landing on the same leg just keep spinning before you land. I've seen my Master instructor do it, looks awesome!
  7. Yang Dae-han

    Yang Dae-han Realising the 'edit'

    Sorry, yes...should have written my answer out better. Both do lead to the 720, but I feel one is easier (stepping stone) than the other.

    It took me a bit longer to accomplish the latter.....


  8. chungmoomonkey

    chungmoomonkey Just a few more months...

    tive tried both and only landed # 2 but that is still hard and wasnt pretty i worked up to it by doing tornato kicks alot (landing on the other leg instead of the kicking 1.
  9. Joker

    Joker New Member

    I am having a hard time visualizing this kick, does someone have clip of what it looks like. Thx.

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