My Kung Fu Brother fighting in a Kyokushin tournament

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by Ben Gash CLF, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Here's a vid of my Sidai Kelvin in action
    [ame=""]YouTube - 8 second knockout[/ame]
  2. 19thlohan

    19thlohan Beast and the Broadsword

    Nicely done!
  3. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works


    The weird thing is, just last night, I was thinking of possibly competing in a Kyokushin tournament if one comes around. Why not?

    Tell him I said nicely done. Thank you for the vid.
  4. Ular Sawa

    Ular Sawa Valued Member

    Very nice.

  5. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I watched that one and a few of his other videos. You are fortunate to have such good training partners.
  6. Banditshaw

    Banditshaw El Bandido

    Good stuff Ben.
  7. RAGINGbuddha

    RAGINGbuddha Valued Member

    Too bad the first six seconds the referee was in the way, can't see much of the hands. The end kick was nice though. Good job!
  8. FrankyLau

    FrankyLau Valued Member

    great thing !
  9. clfsean

    clfsean Mo Lum Yat Ga

    Saw that the other day. Very nicely done & good to see!!!
  10. crane76

    crane76 New Member

    Your Sidai was using the Kyokushin style to fight a Kyokushin opponent really.. that high roundhouse is classic Karate technique :thinking:
  11. 19thlohan

    19thlohan Beast and the Broadsword

    Karate is not the only style to teach round kicks.
  12. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    Lol wow, wrong.
  13. RAGINGbuddha

    RAGINGbuddha Valued Member

    Wow, I didn't know each martial arts style have a patent on physical movements. In that case Kyokushin can pay White Crane people royalties on the horse stance, reverse punches, katas, etc.
  14. chris lomas

    chris lomas Valued Member

    Lovely clip. Nicely placed kick.

    Actually I think crane76 is kind of correct. The 'snapping back' roundhouse was invented by the son (or grandson - temporary brain fart) of funakoshi (modified from a low kick found in Okinowian Karate). So therefore it is not 'traditional' or orthodox Kung Fu (or even 'original' Karate- technically) - you will not see it in any pre-20th century forms as it was birthed by Japanese Karate. Though of course, as we can see on the clip it is an excellent kick and well worth training for any practisioner.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  15. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Let's not get carried away with revisionist history; everyone on earth knows that high kicks were invented 3000 years ago in Korea so the Hwarang could kick people off horses, shortly before the Koreans gave martial arts to the world.


    :D, obvioulsy.
  16. crane76

    crane76 New Member

    Certainly not, but the way he executed the kick was not Kungfu style, not Muaythai style, not even TKD style. I've practiced enough martial arts to know what is Karate.
  17. mafoota

    mafoota Skidoosh

    High kicks were invented by my Dad when he had two cups of tea in his hands and needed a pack of chocolate digestives off the top shelf. Previous to that no other human being had ever lifted their feet more than 8 inches from the floor.

    True story.
  18. 19thlohan

    19thlohan Beast and the Broadsword

    That's a pretty good observation for a kick that was mostly blocked out by the ref and the opponant. You must have x-ray vision if the think you know the exact mechanics of that technique. From what I could see it was a fairly standard unchambered round kick which was used traditionaly in kung fu. What about the kick specifically are claiming was karate?

    Chris, what do you mean by a "snapping back round kick"?
  19. Greyghost

    Greyghost Alllll rrigghty then!

    it was a kick to the head/neck.....

    thats left the ground, came up past a chamber position and connected with his target.

    to say that it was definatley karate is like saying " yeah...his breathing was definatley swedish...look at the way his lungs moved...totally swedish"

    get a grip. it was a kick...and a great kick at that.

  20. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Oh please we get this same tired argument every time someone comes out and shows Kung Fu being used effectively in a competitive setting:

    "That's not real traditional Kung Fu."


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